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'Aweel, said the Minister, breaking the silence, 'I micht be offerin' hospitality to Macmanus, the banker; 'twould be the ceevil thing to do, but if he comes he's my guest, ye ken I maunna hae ony "frightfulness"; an' the cuddy wull be locked up. 'Ay, responded the other, 'an' sae wull the goat be.

Everybody is cringin' an' bowin' an' offerin' a little more to the one that's got more than anybody else. It's 'Take a seat here, sir do; this is more comfortable, when he's set on feather cushions all day. There'll be a poor man standin' alongside that 'ain't had a chance to set down since he got out of bed before daylight, every bone in him achin' stiff.

The little man puts his thruck into the hekka an' scuttles in like a fat guinea-pig; niver offerin' us the price av a dhrink for our services in helpin' him home, 'He's off to the Padsahi jhil, sez I to the others." Ortheris took up the tale

"Wal, come to the meetin' of the Association, Mis' Deakin Blodgett and Mis' Pipperidge come callin' up to the parson's, all in a stew, and offerin' their services to get the house ready; but the doctor, he jist thanked 'em quite quiet, and turned 'em over to Huldy; and Huldy she told 'em that she'd got every thing ready, and showed 'em her pantries, and her cakes and her pies and her puddin's, and took 'em all over the house; and they went peekin' and pokin', openin' cupboard-doors, and lookin' into drawers; and they couldn't find so much as a thread out o' the way, from garret to cellar, and so they went off quite discontented.

"'That's what he said to me, I says, 'an' it's every word on't true. You've seen whether or not he c'n travel, I says, 'an', so fur 's I've seen, he ain't 'fraid of nothin'. 'D'ye want to sell him? the deakin says. 'Wa'al, I says, 'I ain't offerin' him fer sale.

How they'll all larf and crow, when they see me a thrashin' away at the hoss, and then him goin' slower, the faster I thrash, and me a threatenin' to shoot the brute, and a talkin' at the tip eend of my tongue like a ravin' distracted bed bug, and offerin' to back him agin, if they dare, and planken down the pewter all round, takin' every one up that will go the figur', till I raise the bets to the tune of fifty thousand dollars.

Cameron came back, he made a big fuss over me an' Ches he was an' A1 sort of a man, Cameron was an' he wanted me to stay right along offerin' me big wages, which was a thing that Mrs. Cameron had forgot all about, an' me too; but I didn't feel like stayin'; so I set a date an' then it was settled. Besides, Ches would be goin' back to college again soon.

Ye micht maybe be thinking we were gaun to fa' out o' acquaintanceship; but I'm no ane o' yer conceited creatures wha despise auld freends, and rin after new anes, merely because they may think them brawer sae ye may keep yer mind easy on that score; and I wad farther tak the liberty to assure yer leddyship that, if ye hae ony siller by ye at present, I winna hesitate to gie ye a proof o' the continuance o' my freendship, by offerin' to tak frae ye as meikle as I may need."

'That wad's got a hunderd an' twenty-five into it, an' if you'd sooner have your hoss an' halter than the wad, I says, 'why, I'll bid ye good-day. "'You're offerin' one-twenty-five fer the hoss an' halter? he says. "'That's what I'm doin', I says. "'You've made a trade, he says, puttin' out his hand fer the money an' handin' the halter over to me."

What's it fer?" added Montana. "Boss asked me down to supper. "Wal, you lucky son-of-a-gun! An' hyar we've no invite," returned Lem. "Say, Wade, I heerd Buster Jack roarin' at you. I was ridin' in by the storehouse.... 'Who the hell are you? was what collared my attention, an' I had to laugh. An' I listened to all he said. So you was offerin' him advice an' friendship?" "I reckon."