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"Um tuk um away! Dey tuk um off!" "Who?" "Yo mudder." "My mother! Oh, God!" Charles Stevens ran swift as a roe buck toward the crowd, which had now almost reached the jail. "What does this mean?" he demanded of John Bly, whom he met near the jail. "Your mother is a witch," Bly answered. "You lie!" cried Charles, and with one swift, sure blow, he laid the slanderer senseless at his feet.

Nen he say: 'We', we'! You good dea' maw wise dissa magistrate Tsan Ran Foo. I hea' he was deglade his rank. Cannot fine who mudder! "Chan Tow say: 'Dissa magistrate mus' come fine me. No one ess can tay him. I tay you ole about dissa mudder.

I give de chile sum tater an' handed it to its mudder, an' tole her to put a sugar rag in its mouf with sum Sweet Flag an' lay it down, an' den I lef to jine de old folks at de house." "Well, Aunt Barbara, I suppose there was nothing very serious the matter with the child," said Mrs. Ridley. "Yas dar was, missus, an' I got dar jus in time. De chile was taken wid de dry gripes.

You and your fader separate easy, like dat; you and your brudder like dat, you and your sister like dat, dat's easy; you and your mudder like dat, dat's not so easy; but you and your sweetheart cannot part widout all everything go to hell first." Later, as we passed the American who lives at Fort McMurray, Jiarobia said to me: "Dat man is the biggest awful liar on de river.

"I am seek just for see my mudder. Ees old woman my mudder, Mr. Perlmutter." Enrico's large brown eyes grew moist as he proceeded. "Yes, I am a-seek," he went on. "I am a-seek just for see Ischia, Posilipo, Capri, Mr. Perlmutter. You know I am a-seek for see aranci oranges grown on a tree. I am a-seek just for see my own ceet-a, Napoli. Yes, Mr. Perlmutter, I am a-ver' seek."

Every oncet in a while, when he'd be playin' by hisself in the front room, he'd call out, "Mudder, mudder;" and no matter where Lizzie wuz, in the kitchen, or in the wood-shed, or in the yard, she'd answer: "What is it, darlin'?" Then the Old Man 'u'd say: "Turn here, mudder, I wanter tell you sumfin'." Never could find out what the Old Man wanted to tell Lizzie; like 's not he didn't wanter tell her nothin'; maybe he wuz lonesome 'nd jest wanted to feel that Lizzie wuz round.

He sont fur her one night, an' she jes smiled, bright an' happy like, an' laid right back in de angel's arms; an' he tuck her right along up thu de hebenly gates, an' soon as eber he sot her down, an' her foot totch dem golden streets, de lameness, an' sickness, an' po'ness all come right; an' her fader, an' her mudder, an' her niggers wuz all dar, an' she wuz well an' strong, an' good an' happy.

I had to tie Demetrius up this morning. He was bound to go over to the hotel and see mudder." "Don't one of you dare to make such an attempt," I said peremptorily. "You keep right on here for a few days. Some of us, either Rob, or Beth and I will drop over every day. If you play your ghost just as I tell you and keep out of sight, I'll bring you over some ice cream tomorrow."

Have you done anything, you stupid old Dutchman," cried Brown, collaring his partner with abrupt violence, "that would drive her out of the camp without a word?" "I svear, Prowny," the other gasped, as soon as he had breath for swearing, "I haf been so polite to her as my own mudder." The younger man sat down again, dropping lax hands across his knees.

"Jes' same as er man, Miss Faith, honey. Jes' look at her! She used to be de shyest, mos' ladylake cow awn de place. She always seemed to 'member dat she'd had a calf en was a lady ob quality. Now look at her! She don' keer! She'd jes' as soon lean her head on de Boss's shoulder en ax him fer a drink er de loan ob his cee-gyar. She's done forgot dat she's a mudder.