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But Eradicate saw no rocks nearer than the pile in which ended the two insulated wires, and, with mutterings, the negro set off in that direction, shuffling along on his rheumatic legs. From the shack Tom Swift hailed: "Hi there, Rad! Come back! Where are you going?" "I'se gwine t' git a rock, Massa Tom, an' bash de haid ob dat big lummox ob a giant! He done knocked de breff outen me, so he did."

Swiftwater Pete had offered to go with her, but she had been relieved of his well-meant kindness by the demand of Holt. "No, you don't, Pete. You ain't a-goin' off gallivantin' with no young lady. You're a-goin' to stay here and fix my game laig for me. What do you reckon Miss Sheba wants with a fat, lop-sided lummox like you along with her?" Pete grew purple with embarrassment.

In the mornin' Lummox comes to me, and sez he: 'I'm glad to see you back, sez he, 'for my conscience is troublin' me about that hoss agreement; it looks too much like a hoss trade, sez he, 'and I'm goin' to send the hoss back. 'Mebbe your conscience, sez I, 'may trouble you a little more ef you'll step this way; and with that I takes his arm and leads him round to the stable and brings out the hoss.

One he thought he recognized as a girl with whom he used to play "forfeits" in the vulgar past of his boyhood. She sat at his table, accompanied by another lady whose husband seemed to be a confirmed dyspeptic. His remarks struck Lummox as peculiar. "Shall I begin dinner with pudding and cheese or take the ordinary soup first? I quite forget which I did last night," he said anxiously to his wife.

"An' I'll be mighty keerful ob it' laik Massa Tom tole me. He wouldn't trust dat big lummox Koku wif anyt'ing laik dis." Screwing on the cover, and putting a piece of wrapping paper outside the rough, wooden box, with the letter in his hand, Eradicate, full of his own importance, set off for Miss Nestor's house. Tom had not returned from the telephone, over which he was talking to Mr. Titus.

"Well, fellows," said Tom, stifling a yawn, "it looks like we did it. But I could use some more sleep. That five hours was just enough to get started on!" "Yeah," agreed Roger sourly, "but where does this Venusian lummox get off grabbing all the credit." He looked at Astro. "If I hadn't built the fuses for your little firecrackers " "Firecrackers!" yelped Astro. "Why, you skinny space fake!

"Doan make sich a racket, yo' big lummox! Yo' want to skeer ol' Mist' Swift? Heah, take mah rollin'-pin." Clutching the rolling pin as a "war-club," Koku started through the darkness toward Tom's private laboratory. Following him at a discreet distance came old Rad Sampson, who had armed himself with a big butcher knife. "Dar's a light in de office, big boy," whispered the Negro.

As a rule, a knight is a lummox, and some times even a labrick, and hence open to pretty poor arguments when they come glibly from a superstition-monger, but even he could see the practical side of a thing once in a while; and so of late you couldn't clean up a tournament and pile the result without finding one of my accident-tickets in every helmet.

"I beg," he stammered, "I hope you don't think me guilty of a pun! When I said 'trying' I referred entirely to the effect on your sensitiveness of these tentative attempts toward clothing himself." "I should never accuse YOU of levity, Mr. Lummox," said the young lady, gazing thoughtfully upon his calm but somewhat heavy features, "never."

'This is an episoode o' protracted humor, sez she, 'and I'M bound to have a show in it somehow!" "Well!" said Mrs. Bigsby breathlessly; "then he DID marry her?" "Darned ef I know. He never said so straight out but that's like Lummox." Some people say that improbable things don't necessarily happen in India but these people never find improbabilities anywhere.