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There were tooth-scars on all furniture-legs; the fringes of rugs were chewed off; there were prints of mud, ink, paints, and whatnot, on curtains and wallpapers and coverlets. Poor Mrs. Spaniel kept running anxiously from the kitchen to renew apologies. "I DID try to keep 'em in order," she said, "but they seem to bash things when you're not looking."

I have something to whisper in his ear." "Is it safe?" said the first mate to the chief engineer, gesturing with his weapon. Harrigan snatched it away and waved it like a club above his head. "Get out, or I'll bash your skull in." His face was hideous, cut and blood-stained, starved with the long hunger and lighted with the victory.

Li Wan had struggled with the wolf-dog for mastery from the time she toddled among the skin-bales of the teepee, and she knew a crisis was at hand. Bash had halted, his muscles stiff and tense for the spring; Olo was yet creeping into striking distance. Grasping two blazing sticks by the charred ends, she faced the brutes.

"What are you going to do?" he gasped. Merritt drew a big, jagged stone towards him with one foot. "I'm going to bash your brains out with this," he said, hoarsely. His eyes were gleaming, and in the dim light his mouth was set like a steel trap. "I'm going to have a little chat with you first, and then down this comes on the top of your skull, and it'll smash you like a bloomin' eggshell.

If I were a woman I should have been on the verge of hysterics, but being handicapped by manhood, I merely yearned to bash some one on the head as a relief to my feelings; and lest that some one should be Freule Menela, at last I got to my feet and announced my intention of taking a walk in the rain. "What wouldn't I give to go with you!" exclaimed the young lady.

Thereupon Kahrdash waxed exceeding wroth, and rage moved him to the cause of his death; so he said to Kanmakan, "Woe to thee, an thou knew who I be, thou wouldst not wield these words in the open field. I am the lion to bash known as Kahrdash, he who spoileth great Kings and waylayeth all travellings and seizeth the merchants' preciousest things.

For a moment his eyes travelled over the other's slim form. "What a rag! We may draw each other anyhow we shall have to scrap if we get into the semi-finals. Billy, I believe you'd bash me!" He towelled himself vigorously. The other shook his head. "You beat me at Dartmouth. But I'm going to have a jolly good shot at it, cully!"

"I'm going to say one thing," declared Kerry, snapping out the words in a manner little short of ferocious. He laid his hat and cane upon a chair and took a step in the direction of the narrow, laden table. "Make me any kind of offer to buy back the evidence you think I've got, and I'll bash your face as flat as a frying-pan."

One of these brushed close past Peterkin's ear; the other, unable to arrest its headlong flight, went, as Peterkin himself afterwards expressed it, "bash" into his arms with a sudden squeal, which was caused more by the force of the blow than the will of the animal, and both of them rolled violently down to the foot of the mound.

"You know, we had your photograph out East a very good one, it seems so I had an idea of what you looked like." "The photograph gave you an unfair advantage! And I didn't know Uncle Bash carried one away with him." "He was very fond of you," she said gravely. "He was very proud that you had gone into the war."