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I quote a few words; though even in them the spirit in which the whole book is conceived does not fail to make itself felt: L'heure ou une creation nouvelle recoit son nom est solennelle; car le nom est le signe definitif de l'existence. C'est par le nom qu'un etre individuel ou collectif devient lui-meme, et sort d'un autre.

If he were here, we would knock off the thing between our fruit and cheese." Just at that moment the door opened suddenly. "Is supper ready?" asked a deep voice. "Eh, here he is, the dear friend! "O surprise extreme! Grand Dieu! c'est lui-meme alive and in the flesh." "And hungry," said Gerfaut, as he dropped into a chair near the fire.

J'ai beaucoup cause avec l'auteur de 'Romola; c'est une femme de 45 ans, pas belle du tout, mais tres distinguee, elle m'a fort bien recu. Lewes lui-meme est laid, mais tres cordial. Son salon est un modele de gout et d'elegance, et toute sa maison est aussi bien tenue que celle de Millais, par exemple.

"Qui est cet homme la?" said one, "comme il est epris de lui-meme." "How silly he is," cried another "how ugly," said a third. What a taste in literature such a talker such shallowness, and such assurance not worth the answering could not slip in a word disagreeable, revolting, awkward, slovenly, were the most complimentary opinions bestowed upon the unfortunate Vincent.

All this because the Cook thinks we're boches and being the Cook and a boche lui-meme is consequently peculiarly concerned for our welfare.

Quand j'allai prendre congé de mondit seigneur d'Autriche et de madame, il me recommanda lui-même

[Footnote 71: "Madame de Pompadour découvrit que Louis XV. pourrait lui-même s'amuser

Again, very cautiously, for he knew he had no business there at all, he caught the mask in his teeth and dropped with it softly on the floor. A little dazed by his success he looked about him. The humans were at the door talking quietly, Charlemagne beside them; Diane and Lui-même were biting one another's ears in a corner; he had the floor to himself, and could investigate quietly.

Mallarme, don't you know, he said, has written those wonderful prose poems Stephen MacKenna used to read to me in Paris. The one about Hamlet. He says: il se promène, lisant au livre de lui-même, don't you know, reading the book of himself. He describes Hamlet given in a French town, don't you know, a provincial town. They advertised it. His free hand graciously wrote tiny signs in air.

Vous assurez qu'il ne se fait plus de miracles; mais qui vous l'a dit? ou cela est-il ecrit? Jesus-Christ assure, au contraire, que ceux qui auront autant de Foi qu'un grain de seneve, feront, en son nom, des miracles plus grands que ceux qu'il a faits lui-meme. Depuis quand etes-vous les directeurs des operations divines, pour les reduire a certains temps & dans la conduite ordinaire?