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But when Maria Theresa saw him she shrieked and cried out, 'Il est le père aux têtes rondes, lui-même! Le portez-vous dehors! So he got but a captaincy after all; ha! ha! ha!" Now this was but a mess-room gibe, as he had said, cut out of unmarred cloth, at that. Our Austrian Maria ever had a better word than "roundhead" for her soldiers.

Yet this was he, this was Monsieur Pet-airs Lui-Meme; and I enjoyed peculiarly making his complete acquaintance for the first and only time. May the Heavens prosper him! The next day The Wanderer appeared in the cour walking proudly in a shirt of solid vermilion. He kissed his wife excuse me, Monsieur Malvy, I should say the mother of his children crying very bitterly and suddenly.

Then they made their way to the Ile de Java, where they acquired a large tin of coffee, on to the Boucherie Française, where Félicité had a long discussion with M. Perigot lui-même, whom she insisted on seeing, to the disgust of the young man in attendance, who wished to look at Brigit, and whom fate assigned to an ancient dame from Brewer Street.

Sur la route est une petite rivière renommée pour son eau Hoyarbarch alla en boire avec ses femmes; il voulut que j'en busse aussi, et lui-même m'en présenta dans son gobelet de cuir. C'étoit la première fois de toute la route qu'il me faisoit cette faveur.

Mais c'est un mot! Do let me repeat it to my friend Ladislas. Vous savez, he is writing a society novel, read me some of it. Charming! Nous aurons enfin le grand monde russe peint par lui-meme." "Where is it to be published? "In the 'Russian Messenger', of course. It is our 'Revue des Deux Mondes'. I see you take it, by the way." "Yes, but I think it rather dull of late." "Perhaps, perhaps it is.

"La musique est le seul des talens qui jouissent de lui-meme; tons les autres veulent des temoins."* MARMONTEL. * Music is the sole talent which gives pleasure of itself; all the others require witnesses. "Thus the slow ox would gaudy trappings claim."

Vous, Monsieur, qui etes un styliste accompli, veuillez bien me pardonner les torts que je viens de faire a la belle langue francaise. M. Paul Bourget lui-meme ne lit plus le Grec. Non omnia possumus omnes. Agreez, Monsieur, mes sentiments les plus distingues. LETTER: From S. Gandish, Esq., to the "Newcome Independent." It appears that Mr.

Thus the jury, which is the most energetic means of making the people rule, is also the most efficacious means of teaching it to rule well. He says: "Ils craignent moins la tyrannie que l'arbitraire, et pourvu que le legislateur se charge lui-meme d'enlever aux hommes leur independance, ils sont a peu pres content."

Il me manquoit encore différentes choses pour être, en tout comme mes compagnons de voyage. Le namelouck m'en avoit averti, et mon hôte Laurent me mena lui-même au bazar pour en faire l'acquisition. C'étoient de petites coiffes de soie

M'sieu' Jean, ils sont tous les plantons et le Directeur Lui-Meme et le Surveillant et le Gestionnaire et tous ils sont des " and he said very nicely what they were, and lit his little black pipe with a crisp curving upward gesture, and shook like a blade of grass.