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M. Emanuel joined me in the "allee defendue;" his cigar was at his lips; his paletot a most characteristic garment of no particular shape hung dark and menacing; the tassel of his bonnet grec sternly shadowed his left temple; his black whiskers curled like those of a wrathful cat; his blue eye had a cloud in its glitter.

"And he won a hundred louis of me in the train between Cannes and Monte Carlo." "Not bad going, that," observed Denny, in an approving tone. "Is he, then, un grec?" asked Mrs. Hipgrave, who loves a scrap of French. "In both senses, I believe," answered Hamlyn, viciously. "And what's his name?" said I. "Really, I don't recollect," said Hamlyn, rather petulantly.

The church or one of its pensioners needs money; so instead of denying ourselves some secular amusement, cutting short our chablis, terrapin, pate de foie gras, gateau, Grec, Amontillado; wearing less sealskin and sables, buying fewer pigeon-blood rubies, absolutely mortifying the flesh in order to offer a contribution out of our pockets to God, how ingeniously we devise schemes to extract the largest possible amount of purely personal pleasure from the expenditure of the sum, we call our contribution to charity?

"What would you have, Monsieur? Moi je suis Grec, je suis fier et j'ai des principes d'honneur. I expect to be treated with a certain consideration, though I confess that my temper is none of the best, and that at times I am tempted to quarrel with the pots and pans in the kitchen. I think, upon the whole, that it will be for your advantage to engage me, and I promise you to be on my guard.

That there was a body of Simonian scriptures is undoubtedly true, as may be seen from the passages we have quoted from the Recognitions, Jerome, Pseudo-Dionysius and the Arabic Preface to the Nicaean Council, and for some time I was in hopes of being able to collect at least some scattered fragments of these works, but they have all unfortunately shared the fate of much else of value that the ignorance and fear of orthodoxy has committed to the flames. We know at any rate that there was a book called The Four Quarters of the World, just as the four orthodox gospels are dedicated to the signs of the four quarters in the old MSS., and that a collection of sentences or controversial replies of Simon were also held in repute by Simonians and were highly distasteful to their opponents. Matter and Amélineau speak of a book by the disciples of Simon called De la Prédication de S. Paul, but neither from their references nor elsewhere can I find out any further information. In Migne's Encyclopédie Théologique, also, a reference is given to M. Miller (Catalogue des Manuscripts Grecs de l'Escurial, p. 112), who is said to mention a Greek MS. on the subject of Simon ("un écrit en grec relatif

Au devant de Sainte Sophie est une belle et immense place, entourée de murs comme un palais, et jadis on faisoit des jeux. [Footnote: L'hippodrome Grec, aujourd'hui l'atméïdan des Turcs.] J'y vis le frère de l'empereur, despote de Morée, s'exercer avec une vingtaine d'autres cavaliers. Chacun d'eux avoit un arc: ils couroient

A man passed with a nod and "How d' ye do?" for which he received in reply a cool stare. "Who's that?" Algernon asked. "The son of a high dignitary," said Harry. "You cut him." "I can do the thing, you see, when it's a public duty." "What's the matter with him?" "Merely a black-leg, a grec, a cheat, swindler, or whatever name you like," said Harry.

A man passed with a nod and "How d' ye do?" for which he received in reply a cool stare. "Who's that?" Algernon asked. "The son of a high dignitary," said Harry. "You cut him." "I can do the thing, you see, when it's a public duty." "What's the matter with him?" "Merely a black-leg, a grec, a cheat, swindler, or whatever name you like," said Harry.

The closed door of the first classe my sanctuary offered no obstacle; it burst open, and a paletot and a bonnet grec filled the void; also two eyes first vaguely struck upon, and then hungrily dived into me. "C'est cela!" said a voice. "Je la connais: c'est l'Anglaise. Tant pis. Toute Anglaise, et, par consequent, toute begueule qu'elle soit elle fera mon affaire, ou je saurai pourquoi."

Vous, Monsieur, qui etes un styliste accompli, veuillez bien me pardonner les torts que je viens de faire a la belle langue francaise. M. Paul Bourget lui-meme ne lit plus le Grec. Non omnia possumus omnes. Agreez, Monsieur, mes sentiments les plus distingues. LETTER: From S. Gandish, Esq., to the "Newcome Independent." It appears that Mr.