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But no words can be stronger than those in which he disjoins himself from that "evil and foolish company," and claims his independence "A te fia bello Averti fatto parte per te stesso." Dante, by the Divina Commedia, was the restorer of seriousness in literature. He was so by the magnitude and pretensions of his work, and by the earnestness of its spirit.

Swiftly he worked out the rest of the cipher, setting down the letters of the translation without regard to words. "Averti" was evident because it was the first word. At the end, he had this result: There was not the least doubt as to it being in French the last three words, as well as the first, proved it; also that he had the correct key-word. It only remained now to separate the result into words. And this puzzle presented no difficulties to Carpenter; he quickly marshalled it into form: "Averti que l'Allemagne a engagé un officier

I watched you and saw a passionate ardour for triumph in your physiognomy. What fire shot into the glance! Not mere light, but flame: je me tiens pour averti." "What feeling I had on that occasion, Monsieur and pardon me, if I say, you immensely exaggerate both its quality and quantity was quite abstract. I did not care for the vaudeville. I hated the part you assigned me.

It was about time to get ready.... Knowing subconsciously that he had made some slight favourable impression at any rate that he hadn't repelled or bored her he dressed with all the anxiety, joy and thrills of excitement of a boy of twenty; and no boy of twenty can ever feel these things as keenly or half as elaborately as a man nearly twice that age, since all the added experiences, disillusions, practice, knowledge and life of the additional years help to form a part of the same emotion, making it infinitely deeper, and all the stronger because so much more averti and conscious of itself.

The D and the A yielded A; the U and the B yielded V; the J and the C yielded E; the O and the D yielded R; the U and the E yielded T; the R and the F yielded I. "Averti!" Carpenter gave a soft whistle of satisfaction. French, it was his hunch had not deceived him. The key-word was found!

He went again into Scotland last Friday, and will not be returned in a month, and this sans qu'il m'en ait averti. Il faut avouer que notre Duc, a regard de tous les petits devoirs de la vie, est fort a son aise. Me de Cambis is also come; il en fourmille, but all of them almost beggars; some few, I hear, have letters of credit.

Il me manquoit encore différentes choses pour être, en tout comme mes compagnons de voyage. Le namelouck m'en avoit averti, et mon hôte Laurent me mena lui-même au bazar pour en faire l'acquisition. C'étoient de petites coiffes de soie

Le lendemain de notre arrivée, un gentilhomme de Bavière vint saluer mondit seigneur de Valse. Messire Jacques Trousset, averti de sa venue, annonça qu'il alloit le faire pendre