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Love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion; love is consolation in desolation; it is the sole medicine against death, for it is death's brother. Fratelli, a un tempo stesso, Amore e Morte Ingeneró la sorte, as Leopardi sang. Love seeks with fury, through the medium of the beloved, something beyond, and since it finds it not, it despairs.

There is passion of the vexed sort, where the tears are frozen to ice as they start. Of the tortured thus, remember "Lo pianto stesso li planger non lascia, E il duol, che trova in su gli occhi rintoppo, Si volve in entro a far crescer l' ambascia." "There may be such people; doubtless there are such people. For me, I find a perpetual outlet in my art." I could not forbear

La nostra musica di chiesa e assai differente di quella d'Italia e sempre piu, che una Messa con tutto il Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, la Sonata all' Epistola, l'Offertorio osia Motetto, Sanctus ed Agnus Dei, ed anche la piu solenne, quando dice la Messa il Principe stesso, non ha da durare che al piu longo 3 quarti d'ora.

È sempre lo stesso, brutto o bello, bello o brutto. "Eh! cosa a me m'importa, se sono brutto o bello non so, a me è lo stesso." This was all I could get from her. It's all the same to me, ugly or handsome, handsome or ugly. But to return to our washerwomen.

But no words can be stronger than those in which he disjoins himself from that "evil and foolish company," and claims his independence "A te fia bello Averti fatto parte per te stesso." Dante, by the Divina Commedia, was the restorer of seriousness in literature. He was so by the magnitude and pretensions of his work, and by the earnestness of its spirit.

At the Panada, after we had given our order for dinner, McFarlane would murmur languidly 'Lo stesso' and declare it to be the one useful word in the Italian dictionary; to this Johnson added a mysterious 'Sensa crab' when Rossi suggested 'piccoli fees' under the delusion that he was talking English; while Anthony was quite content with the vocabulary the other two supplied him.

I remember she always wore a bracelet of his hair, on the massive clasp of which were engraved the words, "Stesso sangue, stessa sorte." I also remember, as a feature of sundry dinners at their house, the first gold dessert service and table ornaments that I ever saw, the magnificence of which made a great impression upon me; though I also remember their being replaced, upon Mrs.

[Footnote 21: "Di se stesso presunse maravigliosamente tanto, che essendo egli glorioso nel colmo del reggimento della republica, e ragionandosi tr

That is in the grand style, and so is the following, which describes those sinners locked in the frozen lake below Malebolge: "Weeping itself there does not let them weep, And grief that finds a barrier in the eyes Turns itself inward to increase the anguish. "Lo pianto stesso li pianger non lascia, E il duol, che trova in sugli occhi rintoppo, Si volve in entro a far crescer l' ambascia."

"Usa ogn'arte la donna, onde sia colto Nella sua rete alcun novello amante; Ne con tutti, ne sempre un stesso volto Serba; ma cangia a tempo atto e sembiante." Tasso, Jerus. Del., c. iv., v. 87. What is the secret of this art?