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S.M. "del Parto," Our Lady of Good Delivery, invoked by women in travail. "E per ventura udi 'Dolce Maria! Dinanzi a noi chiamar cosi nel pianto Come fa donna che 'n partorir sia." S.M. "del Popolo." Our Lady of the People. S.M. "della Vittoria." Our Lady of Victory. S.M. "della Pace." Our Lady of Peace.

Under these words was written: "Nel tue giorni felici, vicordati da me." The breast of Amelia heaved convulsively she gazed at these written characters; at last her eyes filled with tears at last her heart was overcome by those painful and passionate feelings which she had so long kept in bondage.

Marthene T. 3, p. 132, Benedict Canon of S. Peter's in his Ordo Romanus, Marangoni, Istoria dell antichissimo Oratorio o Cappella di S. Lorenzo nel Patriarchio Lateranense. Roma 1747. S. Louis of France used to walk barefooted on this day to the churches, praying and giving abundant alms, as did also William, king of the Romans. If she teaches exclusive salvation.

possibile che voi, che per essere divino non degnate il consortio degli huomini, haviate ciò fatto nel maggior tempio di Dio?.... In un bagno delitioso, non in un choro supremo si conveniva il far vostro."

The first two of these lectures, though not included in his collected works, may be found in the "North American Review" for 1837 and 1838. The germ of many of the thoughts which he has expanded in prose and verse may be found in these Essays. The Cosmos of the Ancient Greeks, the piu nel' uno, "The Many in One," appear in the Essay on Michael Angelo as they also appear in his "Nature."

I then gave orders that Commandant P. Fourie and C. Nel, with their burghers, three hundred and fifty in number, should proceed under my command to Koorn Spruit, and be there before break of day.

Together with my adjutant, Nel, I made the round of the sentries, sitting a few moments with each to cheer them up and keep them awake; for there is nothing to which I object more than to be surprised by the enemy, when asleep. The few hours of rest afforded us passed very quickly, and at the first glimmer of dawn I ordered the men to be called.

O Nel, saith the Mistriss, this is clear another thing, this sickness is not without great danger; and it would be no such wonder, if my husband hapned to dy of it; and where should we then find the Pleasures of Marriage that some arch Jesters so commonly talk of.

The first party, consisting of three hundred men with one Krupp, I despatched under Commandant Steenekamp to Vredefort Road Station, with orders to attack it the following day at sunrise. General Froneman, with Commandants Nel and Du Plooij, were in command of the second party, which consisted of three hundred burghers, with two Krupps and one quick-firing gun.

Our spiritual welfare was being looked after by the Reverends Nel and Martins, but not for long, as both these gentlemen quickly found that commando life was unpleasant and left us spiritually to ourselves, even as the European Powers left us politically. But I venture to state that no member of my commando really felt acutely the loss of the theological gentlemen who primarily accompanied us.

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