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Updated: September 28, 2024

'Chi non sa fingersi amico, non sa essere nemico. "He who does not know how to disguise himself as a friend, does not know how to be an enemy." In the little corner of society in which Countess Steno, the Gorkas and Lincoln Maitland moved, who was hypocritical and spiteful enough to practise that counsel? "It is not Madame Steno," thought Julien; "she has related all herself to her lover.

These are partial names, indefinite and unsatisfactory unless there be kept the knowledge of the two Infinites, pagan and Christian, which they go between. When both are there, they are like a superb bridge, on which one can stand and know the whole world, my world, the two halves of the universe. 'Essere, o non essere, e qui il punto. To be or not to be was the question for Hamlet to settle.

The earliest secular play in Italian is, then, nothing but a sacra rappresentazione on a pagan theme, a fact which was probably clearly recognized when, in the early editions from 1494 onwards, the piece was described as the 'festa di Orpheo . It was written in 1471, when Poliziano was about seventeen, and we learn from the author's epistle prefixed to the printed edition that ît was composed in the short space of two days for representation before Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga at Mantua. From the same epistle we learn that the author desired, or at least assumed the attitude of desiring, that his composition should share the fate of the ill-fashioned Lacedaemonian children; 'Cognoscendo questa mia figliuola essere di qualit

"Per essere il mondo intenebrato di peste e di guerra," is a phrase of Cellini's, i. 40. Lib. i. cap. 51. Lib. i. cap. 74. Clement was dead, and Paul III. had just been elected, 1534. Paul sent Cellini a safe-conduct and pardon for Pompeo's murder to Florence in 1535. Lib. i. cap. 81. Lib. ii. cap. 104. Lib. i. cap. 64.

The duke replied to the cardinal January 22d, assuring him that his daughter-in-law would meet with a most affectionate reception. Spogli di Giambattista Almerici. i, 284. Ms. in the Oliveriana in Pesaro. Si per attendere a lavarse il capo, como anche per essere assai solitaria et remota di soa natura. Despatch from Rimini, January 22, 1502. Ferrante to Ercole, Rimini, January 23, 1502.

None of these critics doubt for a moment that what was theoretically best ought to have been found practically feasible. St. Fior. lib. iii. 1. 'Firenze a quel grado è pervenuta che facilmente da uno savio dator di leggi potrebbe essere in qualunque forma di governo riordinata.

'Chi non sa fingersi amico, non sa essere nemico. "He who does not know how to disguise himself as a friend, does not know how to be an enemy." In the little corner of society in which Countess Steno, the Gorkas and Lincoln Maitland moved, who was hypocritical and spiteful enough to practise that counsel? "It is not Madame Steno," thought Julien; "she has related all herself to her lover.

In our own day a lady of the ancient and splendid family of the Peruzzi in Florence denied that the title of count existed in it or need exist: "Ognuno può essere conte: Peruzzi, no."

P.S. Li gentilhomini de lo Illmo. Sig. Duca de Romagna poichè sono stati qui XII giorni sono stati da me licentiate per essere impertinente e senza fructo alcuno a la Santit

He, however, reassured his Holiness by informing him that he had decided to despatch the bridal escort from Ferrara the ninth or tenth of December. Gerardo to Ercole, October 15, 1501. Ercole to Don Francesco de Roxas, October 24, 1501. Gerardo Saraceni to Ercole, Rome, October 26, 1501. Per essere queste romane salvatiche et male apte a cavallo. Gerardo to Ercole, October 26, 1501.

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