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She wrote to him again from Belriguardo thanking him for his promise to despatch an agent to Spain, and she sent him a letter for King Ferdinand and another for her brother. It is not known whether the cardinal actually undertook this journey to Madrid, but it is hardly likely that Julius would have allowed him to do so. One of these medals is preserved in the cabinet of the Oliveriana in Pesaro.

The duke replied to the cardinal January 22d, assuring him that his daughter-in-law would meet with a most affectionate reception. Spogli di Giambattista Almerici. i, 284. Ms. in the Oliveriana in Pesaro. Si per attendere a lavarse il capo, como anche per essere assai solitaria et remota di soa natura. Despatch from Rimini, January 22, 1502. Ferrante to Ercole, Rimini, January 23, 1502.

Lucretia was still sometimes designated as the Pope's niece. Gianandrea Boccaccio to Duke Ercole, Rome, February 25, 1493. Ms. Memoirs of Pesaro, by Pietro Marzetti and Ludovico Zacconi, in the Bibl. Oliveriana of Pesaro.

This was the same Astorre with whom Cardinal Alessandro Farnese wished to unite his sister Giulia in marriage, and the unfortunate youth may now have regretted that this alliance had not taken place. Ad. Pisaurenses: Guidi Posthumi Silvestris Pisaurensis Elegiarum Librii ii, p. 33. Bonon, 1524. Pietro Marzetti, Memorie di Pesaro. Ms. in the Oliveriana.

In obedience to an old custom a naked sword was held over the pair by a knight, a ceremony which in this instance was performed by Giovanni Cervillon, captain of the papal guard. Zacconi, Hist. di Pesaro, Ms. in the Bibl. Oliveriana; also Pietro Marzetti. Letters in the Gonzaga archives in Mantua. Battista Almerici I, and Pietro Marzetti, Memorie di Pesaro, Ms. in the Oliveriana.