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What could it all mean? A revolution? That would destroy all chances of the success of his opera, but Ticellini did not think of himself, when the fatherland was in question, and he enthusiastically hummed the first lines of the national hymn: "Chi per la patria muore Vessuto ha assai!" The parquet and balcony were filled with students, and only one proscenium box was still empty.

The Assai is the most in use, but this forms a universal article of diet in all parts of the country. The fruit, which is perfectly round, and about the size of a cherry, contains but a small portion of pulp lying between the skin and the hard kernel. This is made, with the addition of water, into a thick, violet-coloured beverage, which stains the lips like blackberries.

"Nay but to prove how thou art in my grace with rich fiefs and holdings in this land for which thou hast spent thy service right royally." "He doth not spend 'right royally' who seeketh reward," he answered, smiling down upon her, as he stood before her. Caterina answered him by quoting the Cyprian proverb, "Assai dimanda che fidelmente serve." But he shook his head, still smiling.

The liquid is then strained so as to separate the stones and other substances, when it is ready for use, and a most luxurious beverage it is, in its taste bearing some resemblance to filberts and cream. A palm called the "assái" has a small sloe-like fruit which produces a similar beverage thick and creamy, and of a fine plum colour.

The fruit of this fine palm ripens towards the end of the year, and is much esteemed by the natives, who manufacture a pleasant drink from it similar to the assai described in a former chapter, by rubbing off the coat of pulp from the nuts, and mixing it with water. A bunch of fruit weighs thirty or forty pounds. The beverage has a milky appearance, and an agreeable nutty flavour.

"Il tradimento a molti piace assai, Ma il traditore a gnun non piacque mal." The same society has had a gibbet for the murderer and a gibbet for the martyr, an execrating hiss for a dastardly act, and as loud a hiss for many a word of generous truthfulness or just insight: a mixed condition of things which is the sign, not of hopeless confusion, but of struggling order.

Among the most remarkable were the white-stemmed cecropia; the cow-tree, of still loftier growth; and the indiarubber tree, with its smooth grey bark, tall erect trunk, and thick glossy leaves: while intermixed with them appeared the assai palm, with its slender stem, its graceful head, and its delicate green plumes; and the mirite, one of the most beautiful of the palm tribe, having abundant clusters of glossy fruit, and enormous spreading, fanlike leaves, cut into ribbons.

These were his words, but, without his voice, they can convey no idea of the great burst of emotion with which he pronounced the "bene," or of the sobbing diminuendo with which he repeated the "assai."

That young lady, as soon as she heard Miss Rothesay's steps overhead, bounded to the half-open window, moving quite as easily on the injured foot as on the other. Eagerly she listened; and soon was rewarded by hearing Lyle's voice carolling pathetically down the road, the ditty, "Io ti voglio ben assai, Ma tu non pensi a me!" "Tis my song, mine! I taught him!" said Christal, laughing to herself.

Arthur Wellesley gave earnest of his future glory by the hard-fought battle of Assai, in which the Begam Sumroo's little contingent, under its French officers, gave Sindhia what support they could; and General Lake overthrew the resistance of M. Perron's army at Aligarh, and soon reduced the Fort, in spite of the gallant defence offered by the garrison. Since those days it had been much improved.