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These strangers from the far East, attracted by the fame of the great city of Milan, were supposed to arrive in a boat on the Lombard shores, singing the following chorus: "Bel paese è Lombardia Degno assai, ricca e galante.

This sheathing column is of a red colour, which gives the tree a strange look. Another peculiarity of the catinga is that its roots grow out of the ground, and form a little cone from the top of which rises the stem. The fruits of this sort are smaller than the true assái, but a drink is also made from them which some people consider more delicious than that either of the assái or patawa.

Don Pablo next looked out for some palm of a more slender trunk for the rafters and joists. This was soon found in the "catinga," which is a species of the "assái palm, the one of which we have just spoken as producing the assái wine." The catinga was the very thing for the rafters. It is tall, nearly forty feet high, but quite slender.

Giorgio Aslitta awoke to new life. His first words, as he gained sensibility, were: "Chi per la patria muore Vessuto ha assai!" "Ah, the battle hymn of the Italians," interrupted Haydee, her eyes glistening. "Yes; and when I heard these words I was saved! I believed in man again, and no love song ever sounded so sweet to me as that patriotic hymn."

It thus happened that when noon came the much-occupied barber had not had time to return on board, but had had to content himself with a little assai, some manioc flour, and turtle eggs, which he rapidly devoured between two applications of the curling-tongs.

A roar of a thousand voices was heard singing the national hymn: "Chi per la patria muore Vessuto ha assai!" La Luciola was carried in triumph to her coach by the students; the enthusiastic young men took the horses out of the traces and bore the carriage along themselves, shouting through the night air: "Long live La Luciola! Long live Italy!"

We were standing on the pavement outside the albergo, our numbers reduced to ten or twelve; instead of saying "Good-night" to me in the usual way, Giovanni put his hands on my shoulders and said "Enrico mio! Caro fratello! Io ti voglio bene assai, assai, assai!"

They had obtained an abundance of food; but having no means of lighting a fire, they had been compelled to eat it raw. Their animal food consisted chiefly of young birds, lizards, tree-frogs, and grubs; and their vegetable food, of some plums and other fruits, and the inside leaves of the assai palm, and various nuts.

As the youth passed through the door that led to the room beyond, Gian Maria caught for a moment the accents of an exquisite male voice singing a love-song to the accompaniment of a lute. "Una donna piu bella assai che 'l sole..." came the words of Petrarch, and he heard them still, though muffled, for a moment or two after the boy had gone.

The liquid is then strained so as to separate the stones and other substances, when it is ready for use, and a most luxurious beverage it is, in its taste bearing some resemblance to filberts and cream. A palm called the "assai" has a small sloe-like fruit which produces a similar beverage thick and creamy, and of a fine plum colour.