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Updated: September 10, 2024

No, no; it's not my own work; but it's fine work of Maso of Brescia; I should be loth for it to cover the heart of a scoundrel. I must know who is to wear it." "Well, then, to be plain with you, Niccolo mio, I want it myself," said Tito, knowing it was useless to try persuasion. "The fact is, I am likely to have a journey to take and you know what journeying is in these times.

"It is dreadful to waste soldi." "I suppose yes, of course it is. Oh, but there are so many things worth more than soldi. Dio mio! Let's forget all that!" He waved his hand towards the crowd, but he saw that Maddalena was preoccupied. She glanced towards the watercourse rather wistfully. "What is it, Maddalena? Ah, I know! The blue dress and the ear-rings! Per Bacco!" "No, signore no, signore!"

Every breeze wafts me the fragrance of thy dear presence. Every thunderous roll of the Almighty's war-drums calls me to attempt some great heroic deed in thine honor, some deed that shall prove to thee the lawyer's son, in heart and soul if not in present station, is not unworthy to tell to thee his love. And " "But, Mauro, Mauro m mio!"

Her utterance of the romance in Otello the tone with which she gave the words "Sul mio sasso," in the Capuletti is ringing in my memory yet. Her lower tones were absolutely miraculous.

Per certo, padre mio, mala cosa dee essere questo diavolo, e veramente nimico di Iddio ché ancora all'inferno, non che altrui duole quando, egli v'è dentro rimesso. Disse Rustico: Figliuola, egli non averr

"Il mio Bertuccio! It is my little son, Signorina, and my only, and the Signorina has never seen his like. When he was three years old he wore clothing for five years, and now he is six inches taller than his father." This and much more said Assunta, and she said it as one word. Giacomo, keeping pace and giving syllable for syllable, remarked:

Not the Emperor, no, he can not have said that!" "No, but the Emperor's most confidential adviser, mio padre amato, the venerable father confessor and Jesuit, Signor Silvio. By the way, I regard him as a man turned serpent, and would avoid exposing a shoeless heel to him.

"When Anna had fourteen years she was mot kanahua, as beautiful as a great pearl. She was tall for her age as are the daughters of the great. Her hair was of red and of gold, like that of Titihuti of Autuona. Her eyes were the color of the mio, the rosewood when freshly cut, and her breasts like the milk-cocoanut husked for drinking.

The guards are growing impatient." "Good-bye. God bless you, padre mio!" "God bless you both!" So they drove off, and left old Saracinesca standing bareheaded and alone under the dim archway of his ancestral palace.

"Io m' immagino, che questo mio pensiero non vi parr

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