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"When you get to Monastir, young man," she told him, inaudibly, "you will go straight to bed and we'll see what has to be done with you." "AMMALATO," said Giorgio confidentially, coming abreast of her. "MEDICO IN MONASTIR," said Amanda. "SI, MOLTI MEDICI, MONASTIR," Giorgio agreed.

Qui Dante fa menzione di Guido Guerra, e meravigliano molti della modestia dell' autore, che da costui e dalla di lui moglie tragga l'origine sua, mentre poteva derivarla care di gratitudine affettuosa a quella, Gualdrada, stipito suo, dandole nome e tramandandola quasi all' eternit

Leo Africanus, gives the subjoined account of Ghadames: GADEMES, ABITAZIONE. Gademes è una grande abitazione, dove sono molti castelli e popolosi casali, discosti dal mare Mediterraneo, verso mezzogiorno, circa a trecento miglia.

Nor are the more tumultuous sides of human passion represented, for it is impossible so to regard Corisca's love for Mirtillo, which is at bottom nothing but the cynical caprice of the courtesan, who regards her lovers merely as so many changes of garment Molti averne, uno goderne, e cangiar spesso.

How rough is the modelling in the ambone reliefs, as though really, as Bandinelli has said, the sight of the old sculptor was failing; and yet, in spite of age and the intervention of his pupils, how his genius asserts itself in a certain rhythm and design in these tragic panels, where, under a frieze of dancing putti, loves or angels I know not, of bulls and horses, he has carved the Agony in the Garden, Christ before Pilate, and again before Caiaphas, the Crucifixion, the Deposition, in the southern ambone; while in the northern we find the Descent into Hades, where John Baptist welcomes our Lord, who draws forth Adam, and, as Dante records, Abel too, and Noah, Moses, Abraham, and David, Isaac and Jacob and his sons, not without Rachel, E altri molti, e fecegli beati, the Resurrection and the Ascension, the Maries at the Tomb, the Pentecost.

As the day wore on, the hideous drama of the gaming-house might be seen here by any chance open-air spectator the quivering eagerness, the blank despair, the sobs, the blasphemy, and the blows: "E vedesi chi perde con gran soffi, E bestemmiar colla mano alia mascella, E ricever e dar di molti ingoffi."

Sismondi, Hist. des Rép. Ital., vol. i. ch. v. "Ha saputo trovar modo che non uno, non pochi, non molti, signoreggiano, ma molti buoni, pochi migliori, e insiememente, un ottimo solo." Wisdom this, indeed. Daru, liv. xii. ch. xii. Daru, liv. xvi. cap. xx. We owe to this historian the discovery of the statutes of the tribunal and date of its establishment.

MY DEAR FRIEND: 'Molti e felici', and I have done upon that subject, one truth being fair, upon the most lying day in the whole year. I have now before me your last letter of the 21st December, which I am glad to find is a bill of health: but, however, do not presume too much upon it, but obey and honor your physician, "that thy days may be long in the land."

"Guadagnò molte ricchezze; e in Fiorenza murò e comprò case; ed in Perugia ed a Castello della Pieve acquistò molti beni stahili." Vasari, vol. vi. p. 50. "Goffo nell arte." See Vasari, vol. vi. p. 46. See too above, p. 196. I select these for comment rather than the frescoes at Spello, beautiful as these are, because they have more interest in relation to the style of the Renaissance.

He says, after speaking of marooning in Hayti, "Vi sono molti Spagnuoli che tengono per cosa certa che quest' Isola in breve tempo sara posseduta da questi Mori. Et per tanto gli governatori tengono grandissima vigilanza" etc.: "There are many Spaniards who hold it for certain that in a brief time this island will fall into the hands of the Africans.