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Corio sums up his character thus: 'Fu costui uomo alla libidine molto proclivo; in grandissimo precio furono le gioie appresso di lui. Del giorno faceva notte, e la notte ispediva quanto gli occorreva. Marcus Attilius Alexius says: 'Paulus II. ex concubiná domum replevit, et quasi sterquilinium facta est sedes Barionis. See Gregorovius, Stadt Rom, vol. vii. p. 215, for the latter quotation.

Unfortunately I was not able to witness his end, but I went to the teatrino the evening after. We arrived early and began by inspecting the programme Carlo ottiene piena vittoria contro Marsilio Fuga di costui e presa di Barcelona Marfisa trova Bradamante che more fra le sue braccia.

Some, indeed, attributed his extraordinary moderation and self-control to the right cause. 'Veramente costui è un gran frate! was Gregory's remark at the close of the consistory when Montalto begged him to let the matter of Peretti's murder rest. 'Of a truth, that fellow is a consummate hypocrite! How accurate this judgment was, appeared when Sixtus V. assumed the reins of power.

And so, on account of all his qualities, so many and so divine, although he worked much more by words than by deeds, his name and fame can never be extinguished; wherefore it was thus said in his praise by Messer Giovan Battista Strozzi: Vince costui pur solo Tutti altri; e vince Fidia e vince Apelle E tutto il lor vittorioso stuolo.

They understood at last what the meaning of his message had been, and how closely it applied to themselves, and how much the richer and healthier for it their civic atmosphere had become. They would say, as the soul of Dante said in the New Life: è costui Che viene a consolar la nostra mente, Ed è la sua tanto possente, Ch'altro pensier non lascia star con nui.