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Updated: September 18, 2024

The marchioness Strozzi was married by a priest, and her witnesses were a father and a brother. We are under the necessity of refusing the petition of the Prince of Savoy; for, no representation of intentions misdirected, can stand against the deliberate consent of the parties to wedlock, witnessed by honorable relatives.

The celebrated poet Strozzi in Ferrara placed Cæsar Borgia, after his fall, among the heroes of Olympus; and the famous Bembo, one of the first men of the age, endeavors to console Lucretia Borgia on the death of the "miserable little" Alexander VI, whom he at the same time calls her "great" father.

Standing in a beautiful Piazza, itself the loveliest thing therein, dressed in the old black and white habit, it dreams of the past: it is full of memories too, for here Boccaccio one Tuesday morning, just after Mass in 1348, amid the desolation of the city, found the seven beloved ladies of the Decamerone talking of death; here Martin V, and Eugenius IV, fugitives from the Eternal City, found a refuge; here Beata Villana confessed her sins; here Vanna Tornabuoni prayed and the Strozzi made their tombs.

The result was to embroil the Catholic King against the Pope and against themselves. The queen was as favorably inclined as the mistress to listen to Caraffa, for Catherine de Medici was desirous that her cousin, Marshal Strozzi, should have honorable and profitable employment in some fresh Italian campaigns. In the mean time an accident favored the designs of the papal court.

"Fratillo," said she, "I hope that you have done with me, and that you intend to return with your sentimental beauty to the palace." Without removing his eyes from Laura, Strozzi bent his head, while the countess went on: "My gondola, your handsome present, is just behind us, and I must say that it is worthy of Aphrodite herself. Pity that no goddess should grace such a lovely sea-shell.

"Who is that lady in the gilded gondola close by?" said he. "Which one, your highness?" "The one in red velvet," "That is the Countess Lucretia Canossa, sister of the Marquis de Strozzi." "Is she married?" "Yes, your highness, to a man who has squandered her fortune; so that but for her brother she would be penniless." The elector thanked Antonio, and leaped back into his own gondola.

Strozzi thus began, early in life, his apprenticeship in the misfortunes of an honest man in politics, a man whose conscience cannot lend itself to the capriciousness of events; whose actions are acceptable only to the virtuous; and who is therefore persecuted by the world, by the people, for opposing their blind passions; by power for opposing its usurpations.

Senor Beruete, who has studied the work of Velasquez more closely and more intelligently than any one else, considers that whereas there is not a single touch upon the former that is not from the brush of Velasquez, the latter cannot be properly attributed to him at all any more than can another popular favourite, the Alexandro del Borro in the Berlin Gallery, now given to Bernard Strozzi.

"Sir," said he, "that is the head of the table the place of the Marchioness Strozzi." "I know it," was the reply, "and, as soon as she makes her appearance, I will give it up. Martino, serve the soup; I am hungry." So saying, he tossed the bouquet to the valet, and poured out some wine.

That Emperor of Austria has been entirely too lucky in war to please the King of France; and Max Emmanuel, whom we had expected to win over to our side, is the commander-in-chief of the imperial armies. Max your quasi brother-in-law, Strozzi; for doubtless you are aware that Lucretia, the left-handed electress, is the first person in importance at the Bavarian court."

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