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In a very little while he came from the tiny attic bedroom, through the tiniest cupboard of a sitting-room under the eaves, where his books were, and where he had hung his old red India tapestries or silk embroideries and he emerged there up above the world on the loggia. "Now then siamo nel paradiso, eh? Paradisal enough for you, is it?"

When I told her of Portugal's entry into the war, and how our ancient and hereditary ally had handed over to England sixty out of the seventy-one German ships she had taken in her ports, Elizabeth snorted with rage and said that England, of course, forced all the little nations to fight against Germany. One of my friends, and not the least welcome, was Corporal Nel.

"Go to my sister," he faltered out to Fletcher; "tell her go to Lady Byron you will see her, and say" nothing more could be heard but broken ejaculations: "Augusta Ada my sister, my child. Io lascio qualche cosa di caro nel mondo. For the rest, I am content to die." Never perhaps was there such a national lamentation.

The incident closed in much mirth and friendliness. In the village were also billeted many Italian troops, who used to fill the night with song, long after most of us had gone to bed: "'Addio, mia bell', addio! Cantava nel partir la gioventù," which is never very far from the lips of any Italian soldier, and those endless stornelli, which to an invariable tune they multiply from day to day.

A party of burghers, under Commandant Nel, of Kroonstad, were ordered to station themselves on a kop with a flat top, called Swartbooiskop, an hour and a half to the south of Nicholson's Nek. After the battle which was fought on the 30th of November this kop was christened by us Little Majuba. Just after sunrise on the 30th of November the roaring of cannon came to our ears.

I do not suppose that the inhabitants of this valley have often heard the duet from Mose with the embellishments a la Tamburini: Palpito a quello aspetto, 'Gemo nel suo dolor. Would you prefer that or the one from 'Il Barbiere'? although that is out of date, now." "Whatever pleases you, but do not split my head about it in advance. I wish that music and dancing were at the bottom of the Moselle."

And so, yielding to a pressure which I could not understand, and yet found myself unable to resist, I promised to take a part in the new venture, as an occasional writer in the columns of the new magazine. That was the way in which the second Portfolio found its way to my table, and was there opened in the autumn of the year 1857. I was already at least 'Nel mezzo del cammin di mia, vita,

Francesca said a word to Gina, who gave Rodolphe her arm as far as the Stopfers' door, and fled like a swallow as soon as she had rung. "These patriots do not play at killing!" said Rodolphe to himself as he felt his sufferings when he found himself in his bed. "'Nel lago! Gina would have pitched me into the lake with a stone tied to my neck."

"Have you ever dined with a cardinal?" he asked. "No, Signorino," that patient sufferer replied. "Well, I'm in the very dickens of a quandary son' proprio nel dickens d'un imbarazzo." he informed her. "Dickens ?" she repeated. "Si Dickens, Carlo, celebre autore inglese. Why not?" he asked. Marietta gazed with long-suffering eyes at the horizon.

That was the line, the very sharp and impassable line she drew between her "dear, dear Ellen", her "dearest Nel", and her sisters, Anne and Emily. The freemasonry of friendship ended there. You may search in vain through even her later correspondence with Miss Nussey for any more than perfunctory and extraneous allusions to her works. It was as if they had never been.