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Penoyer knew it, and with the coolest effrontery imaginable he came forward, bowing and scraping, and saying, "Comment vous portez-vous, mademoiselle. Je suis perfaitement delighted to see you," at the same time offering her his hand. All saw with what hauteur she declined it, but only one, and that was Anna, heard her as she said, "Keep off, Penoyer; don't make a donkey of yourself."

Le laquais trouve un ami de son maitre, qui lui en demande des nouvelles. "Il est a Lyon," dit-il, "et il ne sera de retour que la semaine prochaine." "Mais," continue le questionneur, "que portez-vous la?" "Ce sont quelques provisions qu'il m'a envoye chercher pour son diner."

She patted her pony, took the bridle in her little brown hand, and vaulted lightly into her seat. "There now, Julie; return quickly, and go to your room." "Au plaisir, portez-vous bien, ma maitresse." "I shall take care of myself. Adieu;" and she galloped down the grassy knoll, and out upon the prairie.

Bonapartist, Legitimist, Republican may be in the ascendant or may be hurled from power, but under each or all, whether for good or evil, manners will rule until the French cease to be French; for when they meet you do not they say, naturally, "Comment vous portez-vous?" If a Frenchman should unintentionally run against you, would he not ask your pardon with the politest possible bow?

But when Maria Theresa saw him she shrieked and cried out, 'Il est le père aux têtes rondes, lui-même! Le portez-vous dehors! So he got but a captaincy after all; ha! ha! ha!" Now this was but a mess-room gibe, as he had said, cut out of unmarred cloth, at that. Our Austrian Maria ever had a better word than "roundhead" for her soldiers.

"How do you do, Lucille?" we heard a sweetly tremulous voice repeated by the faithful little vocaphone. "Comment vous portez-vous, Mademoiselle?" "Tres bien." "Mademoiselle honours her poor Lucille beyond her dreams. Will you not be seated here in this easy chair?" "My God!" exclaimed Garrick, starting back from the vocaphone. "She is there alone. Mrs. de Lancey is not with her.

Besides, Glafira envied her brother, he was so well educated, spoke such good French with a Parisian accent, while she was scarcely able to pronounce "bon jour" or "comment vous portez-vous." To be sure, her parents did not know any French, but that was no comfort to her.

"I accept the offer, therefore, with all my heart; and this the more readily because you are the only one I have met for a week who can ask me how I do without saying, 'Come on, cong portez-vous. Being used to meet with squalls, however, I shall accept your offer under the last condition named." I liked the stranger's caution.

"It's because I've been very busy." "You don't work in the evening, do you?" "I study in the evening." "What do you study, Dick?" "French, for one thing." "Can you speak French?" "A little. Not much." "I'm going to try you 'Comment vous portez-vous, monsieur?" "'Très bien, mademoiselle. Et vous?" "That's right," said Ida, gravely. "I can't talk much yet myself. Who teaches you?"

He had heard of his old bourgeois' marriage, and was anxious to see him. Mr. Shaw was walking in the Champ de Mars with a couple of officers, when La Liberté espied him. He immediately ran up, and, seizing him by both hands, accosted him, "Ah! mon cher Monsieur le Chat: comment vous portez-vous?" "Très-bien, Louizon." "Et comment se porte Madame la Chatte?" "Et tous les petits Chatons?"