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Updated: September 7, 2024

J'ai mange un diner qui m'a fait tant de bien que ce ne serait pas cher a une centaine de francs. Cet hotel est tres propre et la cuisine y est faite convenablement sans melange de sauces. Toute la journee de lundi a Amiens, j'ai vecu d'un petit morceau de pain d'epices. Le soir a 10 h. 1/2 j'ai mange une tranche de jambon. Je suis parti a minuit pour Paris ou je suis arrive a 4 h. du matin.

"I don't know whether you noticed them or not," he began. "They went out of the diner a few minutes ahead of us. One is tall with gray hair and wears glasses, and the other is thin, too, but short and has very dark eyes. No glasses. They're both dressed in gray hats, suits, socks, ties everything." "No, I didn't notice them," said Betty dryly. "But you seem to have done so."

Those who are concerned for the preservation of home life in this country cannot but be perturbed by the way in which in this matter of currants the scales have been weighted in favour of the restaurant and against the home. As for jam, the diner in the restaurant rejoices in jam roll while the child in the home labours its way through tapioca pudding.

"You'll have to hurry, sir," spoke the brakeman at the moment. "Jump on the diner, if you like, and go through." The officer took the hint and sprang to the steps. There he turned and faced the platform again just as the train began to move.

There was Harrowby, a good looking young man with dark eyes, and the Starling who was "emancipated" and whose real name was Miss March. The third diner was a young actor with a low, veiled voice Gerald Vesey who adored and understood Feather's clothes. Over coffee in the drawing-room Coombe joined them just at the moment that Feather was "going to tell them something to make them laugh."

One curious Florentine habit is quickly discovered and resented by the stranger who frequents a restaurant, and that is the system of changing waiters from one set of tables to another; so that whereas in London and Paris the wise diner is true to a corner because it carries the same service with it, in Florence he must follow the service.

"I'm afraid you've made it hard for yourself, Koppy," said the foreman. "How long will it take them to finish?" "Supper is their time," returned the underforeman stiffly. He was temporising; he scarcely knew how far it was wise to resist. "After supper?" He shrugged his shoulders in simulated indifference. Conrad ran undisturbed eye over the tables, noting the pie before each diner.

We have an extraordinary amount of eating nowadays upon the stage, managed very badly. In the old days, when people got through a banquet, consisting chiefly of a special brand of cardboard chicken, a real dîner

"Tell me more about yourself, Amarilly. First of all, who is the Boarder?" Amarilly explained their affairs, even to the "double-decker diner," as the Boarder had called the table arrangement. "And what has he done for you, Amarilly, that you are so anxious he should have a rug?" "He's larnin' me readin', writin', spellin', and figgers." "Don't you go to school?"

It was not the ornamented goblet which stood before each diner, but a manifestly older artifact, fashioned of some dull black substance and having the appearance of being even older than the hall or town. One of the warriors who had helped to bring in the gorp now made a quick and accurate cast with a looped rope, snaring the monster's head and pulling back almost at a right angle.

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