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"Milord, Tandis que vos rares talens étaient consacrés

The answer is, Soul before sex. Give an equal chance, and let genius and industry do the rest. La carrière ouverte aux talens! Every man for himself, every woman for herself, and the alphabet for us all. Thus far, my whole course of argument has been defensive and explanatory.

It was to this feeling that the French poet Barbier, whose death we have but lately seen announced, gave expression in the terrible satire in which he pictured France as a fiery courser bestridden by her spurred rider, who drove her in a mad career over heaps of rocks and ruins. But after all, Carlyle's "carrière ouverte aux talens" is the expression for Napoleon's great message to mankind.

"La musique est le seul des talens qui jouissent de lui-meme; tons les autres veulent des temoins."* MARMONTEL. * Music is the sole talent which gives pleasure of itself; all the others require witnesses. "Thus the slow ox would gaudy trappings claim."

Well it was that, acting as fully as Napoleon did on "la carriere ouverte aux talens," she had raised to the highest posts in her councils, her army, and her navy, men of business, who had not been ashamed to buy and sell as merchants and adventurers.

La carriere ouverte aux talens: that great true Message, which has yet to articulate and fulfil itself everywhere, he left in a most inarticulate state. He was a great ebauche, a rude-draught never completed; as indeed what great man is other? Left in too rude a state, alas! His notions of the world, as he expresses them there at St. Helena, are almost tragical to consider.

The Frenchman conceives that justice is done to him, according to his own notions thereof. He has his share of the soil, without which no Celtic populace will ever be content. He has fair play in the battle of life; and a 'Carriere ouverte aux talens. He has equal law and justice between man and man.

The most talented of all would be the very men to see a better 'carriere ouverte aux talens' than the world could give; to long for deeper and loftier meditation than could be found in the court; for a more divine life, a more blessed death, than could be found in the camp and the battle-field.

It was to this feeling that the French poet Barbier, whose death we have but lately seen announced, gave expression in the terrible satire in which he pictured France as a fiery courser bestridden by her spurred rider, who drove her in a mad career over heaps of rocks and ruins. But after all, Carlyle's "carriere ouverte aux talens" is the expression for Napoleon's great message to mankind.

We find him at the head of one of those useful establishments unknown in our country a Bureau de Mariage: half a dozen of such places are daily advertised in the journals: and "une veuve de trente ans ayant une fortune de deux cent mille francs," or "une demoiselle de quinze aus, jolie, d'une famille tres distinguee, qui possede trente mille livres de rentes," continually, in this kind-hearted way, are offering themselves to the public: sometimes it is a gentleman, with a "physique agreable, des talens de societe" and a place under Government, who makes a sacrifice of himself in a similar manner.

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