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In about ten minutes, in walks the English dude, and when he seen the cook eatin' away, he rares back and says, haughty-like 'Bless me soul, I cawn't eat with me servants, doncher know. Flour Sack never bats an eye, but says, with his mouth full 'Take a cheer, he says, 'an' wait until I git through."

I ain't 'fraid of you; you're green, but they can't break you. Keep your left eye on the suckers. There ain't no danger from the feller that rips and rares and gits up on his hind legs, but the feller that sidles raound and sorter chums it up to you and wants to pay fer your drinks, by Jings, kick him. And say," Yankee's voice here grew low and impressive, "git some close.

At last Mr. Bull sees it's no manner o' use that gate, so he turns, rares up, and tries to jump wall. Nary a bit. Young dog jumps in on un and nips him by tail. Wi' that, bull tumbles down in a hurry, turns wi' a kind o' groan, and marches back into stall, Bob after un.

«Enfin, par fois, des masses plus petites placées entre les grosses, semblent assurer la situation fixe de l'ensemble des blocs; mais ces rencontres sont fort rares

Green mould would be seen clinging to the walls, and you would see things in the water that ortn't to be throwed there. Moonlight and memory rares up its glittering walls, but reality and the searchin' life of the present tears 'em down.

His Marseillaise came back at me, "un diner comfortable doit se composer de potage, de volaille bouillie ou rotie, chaude ou froide, de gibier, de plats rares et distingues, de poissons, de sucreries, de patisseries et de fruits!" I looked at my wife, she looked at me, then we both looked out the window and wished we had never been born.

Toutes cinq sont bien garnies d'artillerie. J'y ai remarqué sur-tout trois bombardes de métail (canons de bronze) dont deux étoient de deux pièces, [Footnote: La remarque que l'auteur fait ici sur ces trois canons sembleroit annoncer que ceux de bronze étoient rares encore, et qu'on les regardoit comme une sorte de merveille. Louis XI en fit fondre une douzaine, auxquels il donna le nom des douze pairs. (Daniel, Mil. Franc, t. I, p. 825.)] et l'une d'une telle grosseur que jamais je n'en ai vu de pareille: elle avoit quarante-deux pouces de large dedans la pierre entre (sa bouche avoit quarante-deux pouces de diamètre); mais elle me parut courte pour sa grosseur. [Footnote: La mode alors étoit de faire des pièces d'artillerie d'une grosseur énorme. Peu temps après l'époque écrivoit notre auteur, Mahomet II, assiégeant Constantinople, en employa qui avoient été fondues sur les lieux, et qui portoient, dit on, deux cents livres de balle. La Chronique Scandaleuse et Monstrelet parlent d'une sorte d'obus que Louis XI fit fondre

Pierre des Fossés, and published in the Trésor des piéces rares ou inédites, we are able to form some idea of the vast extent of monastic possessions in the city. The names of the various properties whose boundaries touch those of the abbey lands are given: private owners are mentioned only four times, whereas to ecclesiastical and monastic domains there are no less than ninety references.

Ariane ma soeur, de quel amour blessée, Vous mourûtes aux bords vous fûtes laissée. Here, certainly, are no 'mots rares'; here is nothing to catch the mind or dazzle the understanding; here is only the most ordinary vocabulary, plainly set forth. But is there not an enchantment? Is there not a vision?

Pretty soon he rares up and walks over to the tree where ole Demijohn sets rockin' up and down and chucklin'. He takes a holt of Demijohn by the shoulder, and he says: 'You darned ole hocus, you, I lost my job, and I'm broke, lopin' around this country with you. "'Forget it! says ole Demijohn. 'Ain't I good comp'ny? "'Mebby you be for some folks, says young John. 'But not for me.