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I reckon it'll come a little bit awkward at first. Seem like I never will git so thet I can sass back in church 'thout feelin' sort o' impident but I reckon I'll chirp up an' come to it, in time. I never was much of a hand to sound the amens, even in our own Methodist meetin's. Sir? How old is he? Oh, Sonny's purty nigh six but he showed a pref'ence for the 'Piscopal Church long fo' he could talk.

"I been impident to yer. But O, Sarah 'Uggins O, ma'am 'elp me see 'im an' get away, an' I'll bless yer name fur ever and ever! Amen." "Nip in front o' me," said the woman, "and be quick, then! First turnin' to the right down the stairs, an' don't clatter yer boots." Tilda obeyed breathlessly, and found herself in a dark stone stairway.

And one o' yo' men he was a room boss, I reckon spoke up right sassy to me as sassy as Johnnie Consadine herself, and God knows she ain't got no respect for them that's set over her. I had obliged to let 'em go to the Victory; but I don't think you have any call to hold it ag'in me Johnnie was plumb impident about it plumb impident."

"I never see sech impident help in all my born days! Ain't ye got any steps for a body to climb?" A second gorgeously dressed attendant backed hastily out of the cabin. "Look alive!" he said, peremptorily. "Her Majesty waxes impatient. Where is the woman?" "Ay, ay, sir!" replied the sailors. "Here she be!"

Now, you un'erstan', don't you? It wuz my inhe'ited name." "But don't you know that what you have done is a penitentiary offence?" "Who you stan'in' up talkin' to dat erway, you nasty impident little scoun'el? Don't you talk to me dat erway. I reckon ef yo' mammy was hyeah she sut'ny would tend to yo' case.

Out with it; I'll give him a detention card instead. 'I can't tell you that, said the boy in a lower voice. 'And why not, ye impident fellow? You've just said you knew it. Why not? 'Because it would be sneakish, said Langton boldly. 'Oh, "sneakish," would it? said old Jemmy. "Sneakish," eh? Well, well, I'm getting old, I forget these things. Perhaps it would.

Well, he felt a powerful sperit risin' in him, when he seen the slaughther he done, at one blow; and with that he got as consaited as the very dickens, and not a sthroke more work he'd do that day, but out he wint, and was fractious and impident to every one he met, and was squarin' up into their faces and sayin', 'Look at that fist! that's the fist that killed three score and tin at one blow Whoo!

"Miss Elleney, dear," he whispered, "d'ye know what ye're sayin'? D'ye know I'm such a great big fool that I'm beginning to think the most outrageous nonsense. I'll be beginnin' to think soon, me jewel, that ye might some day be gettin' a bit fond o' me, an' maybe say Yes when I ax ye a question. Sure ye didn't think of that, alanna?" "Will ye whisht, ye impident fellow?" cried Mrs.

One she dismissed as 'an auldish, impident wumman wi' specs'; and the other as 'terrible genteel. Both of them 'a sair come-down frae Miss Reston. Now you are gone you are on a pedestal." "I wasn't always on a pedestal," said Pamela, "but I shall always have a tenderness for Bella Bathgate and her parlour." She smiled to Lewis Elliot as she said it. Jean, sitting beside Mr.

An' if the truth be tell'd, I wasna very braw mysel'. Thinks I to mysel', as I've heard the Gairner's wife say, them that hae riven breeks had better keep their seats. Gairner Winton's wife was there, lookin' as happy an' impident as uswal; an' Ribekka Steein cam' in juist as me an' Mistress Kenawee were gettin' set doon amon' the rest.