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"A pretty fix you have got into, Liftenant Grantham," said the well known voice of Jackson, "and I little calculated, when I advised you to make love to the Kentucky gals to raise your spirits, that they would lead you into such a deuced scrape as this."

When they had moved away and leaned against the fence watching the scene out of the corner of an eye, the mother turned to the Colonel and asked: "Do you blame me if I'm proud of my boys, Colonel?" "I do not, Madame." "The Lord made me a mother. All I know is to raise fine children and love 'em. My little gals is putty as dolls." John suddenly appeared beside her and pulled her skirt.

Well, I am glad to hear you say you are well; very glad I am, to be sure. My daughters, gentlemen my gals these are; and that's my sister, Miss Rachael Wardle. She's a Miss, she is; and yet she ain't a Miss eh, Sir, eh? And the stout gentleman playfully inserted his elbow between the ribs of Mr. Pickwick, and laughed very heartily. 'Lor, brother! said Miss Wardle, with a deprecating smile.

"I reckon you gals," he said, "would just like to be over to my house where my woman could fry you a mess of flap-jacks. How's that?" "Oh, don't mention it!" groaned Bess. "Is your house near?" asked Nan. "Peleg's the nighest. 'Tain't so fur. And when ye git out on top o' the snow, the top's purty hard. It blew so toward the end of that blizzard that the drifts air packed good."

One thing was ruther stiddier 'n the rest, an' that was that I liked Bewlah morn'n I knew. I begun tew see what kep me loopin' tew hum so much, sence aunt was took daown; why I want in no hurry tew git them other gals, an' haow I come tew pocket my mittens so easy arfter the fust rile was over.

She wuz in de tale, Miss Meadows en de gals wuz, en de tale I give you like hi't wer' gun ter me.

"My lovely Poll at Portsmouth, When in my arms I caught her, Was worth a hundred foreign gals On the t'other side the water" a sentiment which was tumultuously applauded, although few of the men present had travelled, and those who were married were probably not so rapturously in love with their own domestic Polls. Andrew was not quite comfortable, but Miriam applauded with the rest.

Gridley, you've seen them millers fly round and round a candle, and you know how it ginerally comes out. Men is men and gals is gals. I would n't trust no man, not ef he was much under a hundred year old, and as for a gal !" "Mulieri ne mortuae quidem credendum est," said Mr. Gridley. "You wouldn't trust a woman even if she was dead, hey, Nurse?"

It's not your dress he looks at, but your face. Now I shouldn't be very surprised if he hadn't come over to ask you from father." "I think he'd best begin by asking me from myself," remarked the girl. "Ah, but you'll have him, Dolly, when he does." "I'm not so sure of that, mother." The older woman threw up her hands. "There! I don't know what the gals are coming to. I don't indeed.

Reckon you gals might as well go home, fer they'll be a different kind o' a party if they kotch him. Won't be no more dancin' t'-night." "Ladies, I am sorry if we were the cause of trouble here," began Grace. "You-all ain't," protested Julie. "Thank you." Grace favored her with a radiant smile. "What I was about to say, is that we expect to break camp and go on to-morrow morning.