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Updated: January 24, 2025

When I tell them, "I cannot promise this, I cannot answer for the other, I must see my principal, I have not the money, I am a poor man and it does not rest with me," they are so unbelieving and so impatient, that they sometimes curse me in Jehovah's name. 'That's deuced good, that is! said Fascination Fledgeby. 'And at other times they say, "Can it never be done without these tricks, Mr Riah?

"I think he would be wrong, shamefully wrong. They say he is the son of an Irish doctor, and that he hasn't a shilling in the world." "That is just why he would be right. What is such a man to do, but to marry money? He's a deuced good-looking fellow, too, and will be sure to do it." "He should work for his money in the city, then, or somewhere there.

"Do you mean that some of them still have their fangs and poison bags?" "Sure! D'ye see that little copper-colored cuss down there in the corner, not more'n a foot long? If he got a crack at you, you'd not live ten seconds." "Well, I will take deuced good care that he gets no nip at me," declared Chick, with a grin. "Why do they have such dangerous things around?" "H'm!

But you told me when you came here, if I am not mistaken, that you chose Asquith because of those very qualities for which you now condemn it." "Magna est vis consuetudinis," he laughed; "I thought I could stand the life, but I can't. I am tired of their sects and synods and sermons. By the way," said he pulling at my sleeve, "what a deuced pretty girl that Miss Thorn is! Isn't she?

There can't be anything doing with McKay we've only put him up a few times, but he seems all right." "I think we'll win," answered the Trainer; "I didn't get anythin' straight just that there seemed a deuced strong tip on Lauzanne, considerin' that he'd never showed any form to warrant it. Yonder he is, sir, in number five go and have a look at him."

"You were as near your death a few moments ago as ever before in your life, Croisset and now for a little plain understanding between us. Until we stopped out there I had some faith in you. Now I have none. I regard you as my worst enemy, and though you are deuced near to your friends I tell you that you were never in a tighter box in your life. If I fail in my mission here, you shall die.

"Is it possible," he said to himself, "that the fine woman I married for she was a fine woman, a deuced fine woman! should have died to present the world with such a travesty! It's like nothing human! It's an affront to the family! Ah! the strain will show! They say your sins will find you out! It was a sin to marry the woman! Damned fool I was! But she bewitched me! I was bewitched!

You see, Thaddeus, I've about come to the length of my tether, and er I'm thinking of turning over a new leaf reforming, you know settling down going in for dulness domesticity, and all the other deuced lot of it." "It is an excellent resolution, that might have been arrived at years ago with greater merit," says the professor. "A preacher and a scientist in one!

"Do you like a high tee?" he asked. "Oh, no," she replied, coming with a start out of her thoughts. "Doctors say it's indigestible." Mortimer laughed merrily. "Deuced good!" he chuckled. "Is that your own or did you read it in a comic paper? There you are!" He placed the ball on a little hill of sand, and got up. "Now let's see some of that championship form of yours!" She burst into tears.

"Oh Dick!" said Barnabas, his head drooping, "Marquis " "Name's Bob to my friends!" gasped the Marquis from behind his handkerchief. "Oh, damn this snuff!" "Why, Bev," said the Viscount, "don't take it so much to heart, man. Deuced unpleasant, of course, but it'll all blow over, y' know. A week from now and they'll all come crawling back, y' know, if you only have the courage to outface 'em.

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