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Il ecrit tres-bien, voyez-vous comme un pirate comme un Bohemien comme un homme. But for this I would have said to my mother Ma mere! quittons ce lache mari, cette lache societe retournons a mon pere. "The pirate would have wearied you like the rest," said Pen. "Eh! Il me faut des emotions" said Blanche.

In this instance he could induce Mary and her husband to believe that he had actually stayed where they were. The attempt amused him, and he read me the following letter before posting it: "19 aout 1894. "Ma Chere et bonne fille, Je t'aurais ecrit plus tot pour te souhaiter ta fete, qui est aujourd'hui, mais je n'esperais pas que ma lettre put te parvenir, comme tu etais en route.

Deprived of sympathy, the artistic impulse withers and dies or supports itself through the hope of eventually finding it. The heroism of the poet consists in working on in loneliness; but his crown of glory is won only when all men are singing his songs. "Moi, dit Choulette, je pense si peu a l'avenir terrestre que j'ai ecrit mes plus beaux poemes sur les feuilles de papier a cigarettes.

Vous assurez qu'il ne se fait plus de miracles; mais qui vous l'a dit? ou cela est-il ecrit? Jesus-Christ assure, au contraire, que ceux qui auront autant de Foi qu'un grain de seneve, feront, en son nom, des miracles plus grands que ceux qu'il a faits lui-meme. Depuis quand etes-vous les directeurs des operations divines, pour les reduire a certains temps & dans la conduite ordinaire?

Ma fille Henriette ecrit a Sir Alexander Gordon. Avec la sante de Madame Austin, tout accident peut etre grave; mais je crois que vous pouvez etre sans inquietude sur les consequences de celui-ci. Mon medecin est un homme habile qui soignera tres bien votre tante, et mes filles lui epargneront un mal tres penible, l'ennui de l'immobilite. Je ne vous parle pas aujourd'hui d'autre chose.

A. "Because man is not strong enough to keep them." And another. Q. "Pourquoi l'homme ne lit pas l'Evangile?" R. "Parce que l'esprit de l'homme est trop borne et trop faible pour comprendre qu'est ce que Dieu a ecrit." Q. "Why are men not to read the New Testament?" A. "Because the mind of man is too limited and weak to understand what God has written."

One great division ran through the country and separated it into Pays du Droit Ecrit and Pays du Droit Coutumier, the first acknowledging the written Roman law as the basis of their jurisprudence, the last admitting it only so far as it supplied general forms of expression, and courses of juridical reasoning which were reconcileable with the local usages.

I took it, and went into her little study; we sat down a moment; then I said, "Il me fait de bien de vous voir," and I am sure I said it with my whole heart, for it made me very happy to see such a woman, so large and so developed in character, and everything that is good in it so really good. I loved, shall always love her. She looked away, and said, "Ah! vous m'avez écrit une lettre charmante."

It was seldom that Dorsenne returned home without repeating to himself the translation he had attempted of that beautiful 'Ci-git un don't le nom, jut ecrit sur de l'eau'. Sometimes he repeated, at evening, this delicious fragment: The sky was tinged with tender green and pink.

Un homme ecrit a son ami, "Abbiamo avuto un famosissimo tremoto, che se per la misericordia de Dio avesse durato una mezza hora di piu, saremmo tutti andati al paradiso, che Dio ce ne liberi. Vi mando quatordici pere, e sono tutti boni cristiani. A questa fiera i porci sono saliti al cielo. O ricevete, o non ricevete questa, datemene aviso."