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The Japanese story-books abound with tales about the pranks of these creatures, which, like ghosts, even play a part in the histories of ancient and noble families. I have collected a few of these, and now beg a hearing for a distinguished and two-tailed connection of Puss in Boots and the Chatte Blanche. Sometimes this is the result of art, sometimes of a natural shortcoming.

In a letter to her husband, referring to the attentions she herself receives from admirers, she adds: Deshoulières cares not for the smart Her bright eyes cause, disdainful hussy, But, like a mouse, her idle heart Is captured by a pussy. Much better than these is the sonnet on the cat of the Duchess of Lesdiguières, with its admirable line: Chatte pour tout le monde, et pour les chats tigresse.

They wrote each other little notes, in which Lady Kirkbank called the dressmaker her cher ange her bonne chatte, her chère vielle sotte and all manner of affectionate names and in which Seraphine occasionally threatened the lady with the dire engines of the law, if money were not forthcoming before Saturday evening.

I have got used to receiving my two letters from you regularly every week, and when once we have acquired the habit of a thing we look upon that as our well-won right, an injury to which enrages us. If I only knew against whom I should direct my wrath against Böge, against the post-office, or against you, la chatte la plus noire, inside and out. And why don't you write?

The worst of the matter was, that Dr. Bretton, whose ears, as I have said, were quick and fine, caught every word of this apostrophe; he put his handkerchief to his face, and laughed till he shook. "Well done, Lucy," cried he; "capital! petite chatte, petite coquette! Oh, I must tell my mother! Is it true, Lucy, or half-true? I believe it is: you redden to the colour of Miss Fanshawe's gown.

He had heard of his old bourgeois' marriage, and was anxious to see him. Mr. Shaw was walking in the Champ de Mars with a couple of officers, when La Liberté espied him. He immediately ran up, and, seizing him by both hands, accosted him, "Ah! mon cher Monsieur le Chat: comment vous portez-vous?" "Très-bien, Louizon." "Et comment se porte Madame la Chatte?" "Et tous les petits Chatons?"

"Petite chatte, doucerette, coquette!" sibillated the sudden boa- constrictor; "vous avez l'air bien triste, soumis, reveur, mais vous ne l'etes pas: c'est moi qui vous le dis: Sauvage! la flamme a l'ame, l'eclair aux yeux!" "Oui; j'ai la flamme a l'ame, et je dois l'avoir!" retorted I, turning in just wrath: but Professor Emanuel had hissed his insult and was gone.

There were even bets among the valets as to how it was to end, and Bertie's man, who looked as if he could speak volumes if he would, was a person of importance. All the men admired Miss Nelson extremely, but the women were divided in opinion. Her own maid, a bilious Frenchwoman, with a jealous eye, said that the American miss was une petite chatte, who was playing off Mr.

Rubens painted a life-size figure in a morning of pleasant work, and went out to ride in the afternoon. But Nature has dowered Mr. Whistler with only genius. His artistic perceptions are moreexquisite than Velasquez's. He knows as much, possibly even a little more, and yet the result is never quite equal. Why? A question of health. C'est un temperament de chatte.

Upon crossing the Pont Neuf, where there are a number of little stalls erected, the owners of which advertise upon little boards, which are raised upon poles, that they possess extraordinary talents for shearing dogs and cats; I could not help stopping and laughing most heartily to observe the following address to the public from one of these canine and grimalkin functionaries: "Monin, tondit et coupe les chiens la chatte et sa femme vat en ville."