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She prepared to wrap me in a blanket and place me in the little chintz chair; but, declining these attentions, I proceeded to dress myself: The business was just achieved, and I was sitting down to take breath, when Mrs. Bretton once more appeared. "Dressed!" she exclaimed, smiling with that smile I so well knew a pleasant smile, though not soft. "You are quite better then? Quite strong eh?"

Bretton did not hear it: which was quite as well. Ere long, a voice, issuing from the corner, demanded "May the bell be rung for Harriet!" I rang; the nurse was summoned and came. "Harriet, I must be put to bed," said her little mistress. "You must ask where my bed is." Harriet signified that she had already made that inquiry. "Ask if you sleep with me, Harriet."

The league of acquaintanceship thus struck up was not hastily dissolved; on the contrary, it appeared that time and circumstances served rather to cement than loosen it. Ill-assimilated as the two were in age, sex, pursuits, &c., they somehow found a great deal to say to each other. As to Paulina, I observed that her little character never properly came out, except with young Bretton.

"I sat up for papa, and not for you." "Very good, Miss Home. I am going to be a favourite: preferred before papa soon, I daresay." She wished Mrs. Bretton and myself good-night; she seemed hesitating whether Graham's deserts entitled him to the same attention, when he caught her up with one hand, and with that one hand held her poised aloft above his head.

"And did you see those accomplished Frenchmen gather round her in the drawing-room?" "I did; but I thought it was by way of relaxation as one might amuse one's self with a pretty infant." "Sir, she demeaned herself with distinction; and I heard the French gentlemen say she was 'petrie d'esprit et de graces. Dr. Bretton thought the same."

In the old Bretton days, though she had never professed herself fond of me, my society had soon become to her a sort of unconscious necessary. I used to notice that if I withdrew to my room, she would speedily come trotting after me, and opening the door and peeping in, say, with her little peremptory accent, "Come down. Why do you sit here by yourself? You must come into the parlour."

"I have such an immensity, you don't know!" "Good! In that case, you will be able to conceive Dr. Graham Bretton rejecting his supper in the first instance the chicken, the sweetbread prepared for his refreshment, left on the table untouched. Then but it is of no use dwelling at length on the harrowing details.

Dieu merci! we know how to manoeuvre with our gifted compatriote the learned 'ourse Britannique. And so, Ourson, you know Isidore?" "I know John Bretton." "Oh, hush!" But, how is our well-beloved John? Do tell me about him. The poor man must be in a sad way. What did he say to my behaviour the other night? Wasn't I cruel?" "Do you think I noticed you?" "It was a delightful evening.

Bretton was not generally a caressing woman: even with her deeply-cherished son, her manner was rarely sentimental, often the reverse; but when the small stranger smiled at her, she kissed it, asking, "What is my little one's name?" "Missy." "But besides Missy?" "Polly, papa calls her." "Will Polly be content to live with me?" "Not always; but till papa comes home. Papa is gone away."

Bretton's own compartment of the bookcase; and it proved to be an old Bretton book some illustrated work of natural history. Often had I seen her standing at Graham's side, resting that volume on his knee, and reading to his tuition; and, when the lesson was over, begging, as a treat, that he would tell her all about the pictures.

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