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They will tell you that I can take all the tricks not just the odd, but three, four, and five tricks yet I am not playing whist. I am just winning the game, that is all. If my partner, in an unthinking moment, says, "Let's win this game," we win it. But it is like saying to the cab-driver, "You make that train." We make the train and say nothing about taking off a wheel or two in the process.

Raddle and the cab-driver were having an altercation concerning the fare, which, terminating at this point in favour of the cabman, Mrs. Raddle came up tottering. 'Lauk, Mary Ann! what's the matter? said Mrs. Cluppins. 'It's put me all over in such a tremble, Betsy, replied Mrs. Raddle. 'Raddle ain't like a man; he leaves everythink to me. This was scarcely fair upon the unfortunate Mr.

Without knowing why, we look up suddenly to see in a window a face that seems to belong to our gallery of intimate portraits; in a sleeping thoroughfare we hear a cry of agony and fear coming from an empty and shuttered house; instead of at our familiar curb, a cab-driver deposits us before a strange door, which one, with a smile, opens for us and bids us enter; a slip of paper, written upon, flutters down to our feet from the high lattices of Chance; we exchange glances of instantaneous hate, affection and fear with hurrying strangers in the passing crowds; a sudden douse of rain and our umbrella may be sheltering the daughter of the Full Moon and first cousin of the Sidereal System; at every corner handkerchiefs drop, fingers beckon, eyes besiege, and the lost, the lonely, the rapturous, the mysterious, the perilous, changing clues of adventure are slipped into our fingers.

MacNutt still expostulated, still begged for a private audience in the street-corner saloon, still threatened and pleaded and protested. The exasperated officer turned to the cab-driver, as he slung the street loafers from him to right and left. "Here, you get these fares o' yours out o' this get them away mighty quick, or I'll have you soaked for breakin' the speed ord'nance!"

The barrister assented, and they were soon crossing Paris with the superb disregard for other people's feelings that characterises the local cab-driver. "By the way," inquired Gaultier, "have you learned anything else since your arrival?" "Only this it was not our friend Talbot who came here on Tuesday with a lady." "You are sure?" "Positive.

He feared that noblemen and gentlemen would perhaps require the excitement of thrashing living subjects. ‘MR. COPPERNOSE submitted, that as the usual odds in such cases were ten noblemen or gentlemen to one policeman or cab-driver, it could make very little difference in point of excitement whether the policeman or cab-driver were a man or a block.

Standing quietly for a while beside a good-tempered-looking man, who was evidently an out-of-work cab-driver, he yawned two or three times, and said at last: "How long shall we have to wait, do you think?" "Depends on cable," said the cab-driver. "Got a bit on?" "Well, no; I haven't exactly got anything on," said Mr. Clarkson, uneasily; "but may I ask what cable you mean?"

The realization of this naturally affected her, raising phantoms of her mother, and of the face of the cab-driver as he remarked on the drawn blinds at the Cedars. But she was still more affected by the thought that the poster was on the window, and the furniture scattered, solely because she had willed it. She had said: "Please sell all the furniture, and you needn't consult me about the sale.

May we not add that such a circumstance teaches us that companion lesson, quite as important in its way, that we are to be watchful as well as prayerful, and see that a dishonest cab-driver does not run off with another's goods! This praying saint, who watched man, most of all watched God.

When we were in the cab, and the cab-driver turned the disc so that the first sixty hellers were visible, I continued the jest. "We have hardly got in and we already owe sixty hellers. The taxi always reminds me of the table d'hôte. It makes me avaricious and selfish by continuously reminding me of my debt.