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"'Git on my back, little Jack Sparrer, kaze I'm de'f in one year en I can't hear out'n de udder. "Den de little bird hop on his back. "'Hop on my head, little Jack Sparrer, kaze I'm de'f in bofe years. "Up hop de little bird. "'Hop on my toof, little Jack Sparrer, kaze I'm de'f in one year en I can't hear out'n de udder. "De tattlin' little bird hop on Brer Fox's toof, en den "

"Ef you'll jes do me de honor to accep' of my horse, Miss Lily, I'll be de proudest gen'leman on dis plantation." At this she chuckled, and took her fan in her own hand. And then she turned to Pierre. "You sho' has set de style o' mighty expensive Christmas gif's on dis plantation, Mr. Pier you cert'n'y has. An' I wants to thank you bofe mos' kindly I cert'n'y does."

"Tis funny dat we bofe counts dem at de same tine, when each one is not doing it togedder." The only entrance to the enclosure, as it seems proper to call it, was the one used by the boys. Nothing to suggest a door, or any purpose of making one, was to be seen on any side of the walls.

But I still hesitated as I seized him by both ears now, and gently swayed his head to and fro. "Dat's right, Mass' George, pull um hard. I no mine a bit." "You rascal!" I cried; "will you promise never to do it again?" "Can't do it again, Mass' George; ugly great 'gator got de head." "But will you play me such a trick again?" "Dunno, Mass' George. You pull hard bofe ears togedder, and kick um."

Jim moved a little way along the locker, and you could see he was insulted. He kept shaking his head and muttering, and so I slid along to him and patted him on the leg, and petted him up, and got him over the worst of his feelings, and then he says: "Mars Tom talkin' sich talk as dat! Choosday in one place en Monday in t'other, bofe in the same day!

Firs' come Airydale dog you' grampaw tuck an' give away to the milkman; 'n'en come two mo' pups; I don't know whut they is, 'cause they bofe had dess sense enough to run away after you' grampaw try learn 'em how much he ain't like no pups; an' nex' come them two canaries hangin' in the dinin'-room now, an' nex' di'n' I holler so's they could a-hear me all way down town?

"Mistuh Tom," asked Sandy solemnly, "ef I wuz in yo' place, an' you wuz in my place, an' we wuz bofe in de same place, whar would I be?" Tom looked at Sandy keenly, with a touch of apprehension. Did Sandy mean anything in particular by this enigmatical inquiry, and if so, what?

He was jus' a tall quiet gent'man wid a pretty young wife what he married in Natchez. Her name was Miss Varina Howell, an' he sho' let her have her way. I spec I's de only one livin' whose eyes ever seed 'em bofe. I talked wid her when dey come in de big steamboat. 'Fore us got to de big house, I tol' her all 'bout de goins'-on on de plantations. She was a fine lady.

"Run, Mass' George, run, 'fore um come and cotch us." "Who? What?" I said, half angrily, though amused. "Hush! Done holler, Mass' George, fear um hear. Come take us bofe, like um took de gun." "I have it," I said suddenly. "Your father has come up the river after us, and he has taken the gun to tease us. Hi! Hannibal Vanity Van!" "Oh, Mass' George! Oh, Mass' George, done, done holler. Not fader.

'Clar to you, my heart jus' stood still. Neber heard such horrid noises, but I neber took my eyes away, for I beliebed I saw my freedom comin'. Fer a while I couldn't tell how it was gwine; dere was nothin' but clash ob sabres, an' bofe sides was all mixed up, fightin' hand ter hand.