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She could not abide such a disaster as that; she couldn't endure the thought of it. Her remark amused Chambers. "Yah-yah-yah! Jes listen to dat! If I's imitation, what is you? Bofe of us is imitation white dat's what we is en pow'ful good imitation, too. Yah-yah-yah! We don't 'mount to noth'n as imitation niggers; en as for "

You'se bofe too deep fer me. How you git into polytics I doan see nohow." "There, Aun' Sheba, don't you mind Ella's nonsense. We're no more into politics than you are." "You'se inter sump'in den." "Yes," said Ella, "we're still carrying on the war." "Please don't talk so, Ella." "Oh, Mara! I must have my nonsense.

Whar she gone? Las' time I seed her she wuz des walkin' 'roun' here like she wuz gwine ter tromple on me. I laid low, I did." Sweetest Susan clasped her hands together and cried: "Oh, wasn't it a dream, Drusilla? Did it all happen sure enough?" Drusilla shook her head wildly. "How kin we bofe have de same kind er dream? I seed de 'oman gwine on, en you seed 'er gwine on. Uh-uh!

"No, sah," said Sam, bowing and smiling benignantly, "but he done tole me to say, when you and Miss Alison come, hit was to make no diffunce, dat you bofe was to have supper heah. And I'se done cooked it yassah. Will you kindly step into the liba'y, suh, and Miss Alison? Dar was a lady 'crost de city, Marse Ho'ace said yassah."

"Whoy was they bofe of a size?" said he, for indeed they were exactly alike. "Because, my dear, that is the size God made them. Both at the same time!" "Who worze they?" asked Dave, clinching the matter abruptly much too interested for circumlocution. "Myself, my dear, and my little sister, born the same time. With our lilac frocks on and white bonnets to shade the sun off our eyes.

"Why, it was 'ported 'round as you was bofe at Marster Capping Pendulum's all the time, which when himself was taxed with it, he never let on as you wasn't there; quite contrary wise, as I said afore." "But how now?" "Well, he up and 'fied 'em all, and said his house was his cassil, which he would shelter any one he pleased, and specially a noble and injured lady." "High heart!

"I 'membahs all 'bout de slave time. I was powerful small but my mother and daddy done tole me all 'bout it. Mother and daddy bofe come from Vaginny; mother's mama did too. She was a weaver and made all our clothes and de white folks clothes. Dat's all she ever did; just weave and spin. Gran'mama and her chilluns was sold to the Lett fambly, two brothers from Monroe County, Alabama.

"Didn't she speak at all?" "No, sah. She ain't say a word. She jes' stood stiff an' still, an' he took her out to de car, an' dey bofe got in." "Was it a limousine, a closed car?" "Yaas, sah." "Did the man himself drive it?" "No, sah. He sat inside wid Miss Mayo. The man what drove it was younger." "What did he look like?" "I couldn't see much o' him. He had a big coat on, an' a cap.

Youer bofe good niggers, en yer neenter be feared er bein' sol' 'way fum one ernudder long ez I owns dis plantation; en I 'spec's ter own it fer a long time yit. "But dere wuz one man on de plantation w'at did n' lack ter see Dave en Dilsey tergedder ez much ez ole marster did. W'en Mars Dugal' went ter de sale whar he got Dilsey en Mahaly, he bought ernudder ban', by de name er Wiley.

"We thaynk de Lawd," Luke replied, "fo' boy an' gal alike; de good Lawd sawnt 'em bofe." "Yet extra thanks for the son wouldn't hurt." Robelia buried a sob of laughter in the nearest cushion, and as we rolled away gaped at me with a face on which a dozen flies danced and played tag. And so we went . Chester ceased reading and stood up. For Mlle. Chapdelaine was rising. All the men rose.