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Wherein had she failed of duty? her hands were clean: she was going to meet her just reward. It was different with Holmes, of course, with his self-existent soul. It was life he accepted to-night, he thought, a life of growth, labour, achievement, eternal. "Ohne Hast, aber ohne Rast," favourite words with him. "Ohne Hast."

"From a dead man you don't get no comebacks, and his relations is anyhow grateful; aber if you would make up a match between a couple of people like Mrs. Gladstein and B. Gurin, what is it? Even if the marriage would be a success, Mawruss, then the couple claims they was just suited to each other, Mawruss, and we don't get no credit for it anyway.

"Ah, mammazellchen c'est pas mal, ne soyez triste, mein Gott mammazellchen es ist aber nichts!" chided Emma consolingly from her place near the window. "Oh! je ne veux pas, je ne veux pas," sobbed Mademoiselle. No one spoke; Mademoiselle lay snuffling and shuddering. Solomon's scissors fell on to the floor. "Mais pourquoi pas, Mademoiselle?" she interrogated as she recovered them.

In Vienna, Frau Nirlanger was a widow, from a family aber hoch edel very high born. From the court her family is, and friends from the Emperor, und alles. Sure! Frau Nirlanger, she is different from the rest. And what you think!" "I don't know," I gasped, hanging on her words, "what DO I think?" "She meets this here Konrad Nirlanger, and falls with him in love. Und her family is mad!

"Is it known," said Arthur, "where she is?" "She is in Aber Cleddyf," said one. Then Arthur went to the house of Tringad, in Aber Cleddyf, and he inquired of him whether he had heard of her there. "She has often slain my herds, and she is there below in a cave in Aber Cleddyf." Ther Arthur went in his ship Prydwen by sea, and the others went by land to hunt her.

You t'ink you beat de Hedwig Rickmers too, Cabtin? You beat 'm mit dot putty leetle barque? You beat 'm mit de Hilda, nichtwahr?" "Well, no," said our old man. "I don't exactly say I beat the Rickmers, but if I had the luck o' winds that ye had, bedad, I'd crack th' Hilda out in a hundred an' five days too!" "Now, dot is not drue, Cabtin! Aber ganz und gar nicht!

Aber when she runs with this poor kerl away from her family, and her first husband's family is so schrecklich mad that they try by law to take from her her boy and her money, because she has her highborn family disgraced, you see? For a year they fight in the courts, and then it stands that her money Frau Nirlanger can keep, but her boy she cannot have.

"Aber sterling," Gurin insisted, and Klinger made a telling diversion. "I suppose you sent 'em something sterling also," he said. "Me?" Gurin exclaimed. "Why should I buy presents? I am a retailer myself, Mr. Klinger, so I sent 'em some flowers." "I don't see 'em nowhere," Sol retorted.

On Sunday the 11th January 1829, he was engaged in composing a lecture which was to be delivered on the following Wednesday, and had just come to the significant words "Das ganz vollendete und voll-kommene Verstehen selbst, aber" "The perfect and complete understanding of things, however" when the mortal palsy suddenly seized his hand, and before one o'clock on the same night he had ceased to philosophize.

Stealing along in the fog, I looked back uneasily once or twice, so vivid was this disquieting memory, and could hardly be reassured by putting up my hand to the elaborate twists and curls that compose what my maid calls my Frisur, and that mark the gulf lying between the present and the past; for it had happened once or twice, awful to relate and to remember, that Fraulein Wundermacher, sooner than let me slip through her fingers, had actually caught me by the long plait of hair to whose other end I was attached and whose English name I had been told was pigtail, just at the instant when I was springing away from her into the bushes; and so had led me home triumphant, holding on tight to the rope of hair, and muttering with a broad smile of special satisfaction, "Diesmal wirst du mir aber nicht entschlupfen!"