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The youth flung himself at Ambrosio's feet. "Oh, pity me!" he cried. "How willingly would I unveil to you my heart! But I fear " "How shall I reassure you? Reveal to me what afflicts you, and I swear that your secret shall be safe in my keeping." "Father," said Rosario, in faltering accents, "I am a woman!" The abbot stood still for a moment in astonishment, then turned hastily to go.

But the suppliant clasped his knees. "Do not fly me!" she cried. "You are my beloved; but far is it from Matilda's wish to draw you from the paths of virtue. All I ask is to see you, to converse with you, to adore you!" Confusion and resentment mingled in Ambrosio's mind with secret pleasure that a young and lovely woman had thus for his sake abandoned the world.

Varillo looked up and smiled kindly. He could assume any expression at command, and it suited his purpose just now to be all gentleness. "My poor friend!" he said compassionately. "Your wits are far astray! Devil? Nay he who has just left us is more of a saint!" Ambrosio's brown eyes flashed, but he maintained a grave and immovable aspect.

Coolidge saw that look of eager desire leap into Barbara's eyes she determined that the thing should be brought to pass and set herself to the task of overcoming old Ambrosio's determination that his daughter should never again leave Acoma. It was not an easy thing to do, but Colonel Kate finally accomplished it, on condition that Barbara should return whenever he wished her to do so.

I am ready to allow the importance of religion in cultivating and improving the world; and Ambrosio's view appears to me capable of being referred to a general law of our nature; and revelation may be regarded not as a partial interference but as a constant principle belonging to the mind of man, and the belief in supernatural forms and agency, the results of prophecies and the miracles, as one only of the necessary consequences of it.

I agree with Philalethes that it is the noblest gift of God to man; and I cannot think that Ambrosio's view of the paradisaical condition and the fall of man and the progress of society is at all in conformity with the ideas we ought to form of the institutions of an infinitely wise and powerful Being.

Wemple found his way to Ambrosio's door, where the old chief was sitting in the early sunlight. As he stopped his horse Barbara came up the street, her tinaja poised on her head. One swift and frightened flash of her black eyes was all the recognition she gave him as she hurried into the house. Briefly the Lieutenant told the old man that he loved Barbara and wished to marry her.

But the air rushing through the door and meeting with that already blowing through the window raised a perfect pyramid of flame which rose straight up and completely encircled the organ. With a frightful cry Varillo rushed to Ambrosio's side, and cowering down, clung to his garments. "Oh, God! Oh, God! Have mercy!

Coolidge had no fears for her social supremacy, she had reigned too long for the thought of downfall to be possible, but she was tired of being crossed and annoyed, and she purposed with one audacious blow to humble the Colonel's wife and put an end to her pretensions. The plan came to her suddenly while she talked with old Ambrosio's daughter in the street at Acoma.

"I did not ask you for pious jargon," said Varillo, beginning to lose temper, yet too physically weak to contend with the wordy vagaries of this singular personage who had evidently been told off to attend upon him. "I asked you who is the Head or Ruler of this community? Who gives you the daily rule of conduct which you all obey?" Ambrosio's brown eyes grew puzzled, and he shook his head.