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Updated: August 4, 2024

"I went to the Grey Stone," he replied, "an' offered up a prayer for his sowl, afther puttin' my right hand upon it in his name, jist as I did on yesterday; afther I got an account of the tobaccy box, I heard a groan at the spot as heaven's above me, I did." "Savior of earth, gluntho shin!" "But that wasn't all.

"I'll tell your Reverence in a jiffy I ought to have a ten shillin', barring the price of a quarther o' tobaccy that I bought at the crass-roads boyant. Nine shillins an' somo hapuns, yer Reverence." "Very good, Pether, you must hand me the silver, till I give the rest of the illustration wid it." "But does your Reverence mind another ould proverb?

Yer's 'hin' the poo'es' gal in the fiel'." "I never pick no cotton 'fo' yistiddy, an' its tolerbul unhandy. Rickon I kin do better when I gits my han' in. I use ter could wuck fus'-rate in tobaccy." "Tobaccy won't save yer. We hain't got no use for niggers ef they can't come up ter the scratch on cotton.

The men may make their habits, Adam, she said, 'but it takes the women to break 'em. Lord! Lord! durin' that courtin' season my mouth would water so for a wad of tobaccy that I'd think my tongue was goin' to ketch fire." "I shouldn't like to have stood in yo' shoes when you began agin," remarked Betsey Bottom.

He had plenty to eat, plenty of tobacco, and a tyrant to curse; so why should not he, an Irishman, be well satisfied? One morning as he was starting with the others for work he stopped at the pine counter for his usual sack of tobacco. "There's no more for ye," said Corrigan. "Your account's closed. Ye are a losing investment. No, not even tobaccy, my son. No more tobaccy on account.

She naterally blushed and answered: "Ansom." That was too much for me. I took her round her waist and whispered I wont tell you what. She shook her head so that the ringlets fell downall over her neck like the ashes from a tobaccy pipe, and in a mighty reprovin' manner said: "Artemus Ward, I am a poetess!" "Is it Mrs.

"The divil go wid you an' sixpence then," replied Nelly, disdainfully "an' then you'll want neither money nor company; but before you go, I'd thank you to tell me what has become o' the ould Tobaccy Box, that you pulled out o' the wall the other day.

Mother, I'd give all the cocks I ever had to see him and his white head in his mother's arms again God's curse on Val! God's curse on him! I hate him I hate Phil I hate all of them don't mother; do nothing for them." "You foolish boy, what do you know about it? keep the house till I come back, and I'll bring you a pennyworth of tobaccy?" "But you will go?" said Raymond. "I must, you fool."

At Christopher's entrance he paused and turned his pleasant, ruddy face from the fresh logs which he had been watching. "So you want to have a look at my tobaccy, too?" he added, with the healthful zest of a child. "Well, it's worth seein', if I do say so; thar hasn't been sech leaves raised in this county within the memory of man." "That's so," said Christopher, with an appreciative glance.

Spry? 'Dull, says she, 'very dull; there's no markets now, things don't fetch nothin'. Thinks I, some folks hadn't ought to complain of markets, for they don't raise nothin' to sell, but I didn't say so; FOR POVERTY IS KEEN ENOUGH, WITHOUT SHARPENING ITS EDGE BY POKIN' FUN AT IT. 'Potatoes, says I, 'will fetch a good price this fall, for it's a short crop in a general way; how's your'n? 'Grand, says she, 'as complete as you ever seed; our tops were small and didn't look well; but we have the handsomest bottoms, it's generally allowed, in all our place; you never seed the best of them, they are actilly worth lookin' at. I vow I had to take a chaw of tobaccy to keep from snortin' right out, it sounded so queer like.

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