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Why, the weed thrives under his very touch, though he can't abide the smell of it, an' thar's not a farmer in the county that wouldn't ruther have him to plant, cut, or cure than any ten men round about. They do say that his pa went clean crazy about tobaccy jest befo' he died, an' that Mr.

He'd a got on to London, I dare-say, if the roads had but been dry." "What do ee say to a bit of tobaccy, master?" said the first, after a pause. "Why, very well," said the other. At this instant, without any warning, something in the wall of my passage gave way, some bit of rotten mortar which held up a stone, or something of the sort.

Katty, avourneen, have an eye to the house till we come back; an' if Dick Murphy comes here to get tobaccy on score, tell him I can't afford it, till he pays up what he got. Come, Pether, in the name o' goodness come, abouchal."

Ye'll pardon the parlour being a' of a reek wi' tobaccy, but Mr. Laidlaw and Mr. Borthwick cam' in and had a cup o' tea and a bit of a crack. They were both bidding at the roup and some business thegither. I think Mr. Laidlaw means to buy Cornhaven off Mr.

"They shouldn't forget themselves as they're doin', thin; for betune you an' me, they're as proud as Turks, an' God he sees it ill becomes them sits very badly on them, itself, when everything knows that their father an' mother begun the world wid a bottle of private whiskey an' half a pound of smuggled tobaccy." "Poor Pether will break his heart, any way. Oh, man, but she was the good wife.

"It's a fine way he has wid the b'ys," Dennis told his mother. "He makes them feel that he's just the likes av them, an' that he wants their minds an' opinions to help him. Shure, they'd rather smoke one pipe av his tobaccy than drink ten times at Gallagher's expense."

"What's the matther, Ailey?" asked the pedlar; "are you out o' tobaccy?" "Throth it's time for you to ax ay am I; since I ate my dinner, sorra puff I had."

"What is it!" he asked, pausing in his paddling. "If you saas a rid gintleman do yez jist rist till I takes aim and shoots him." "Why so blood-thirsty?" "Not blood-thirsty, but tobaccy thirsty. The haythen deal in the article, and if we saas one he must yield."

"Syl," he replied, "behave yourself; what are you at now? I know you." "Know me!" exclaimed Syl; "why what do you know of me? Nothing that's bad I hope, any way." "None of your palaver, at all events," replied Art; "have you got any tobaccy about you?" "Sorra taste," replied Harte, "nor had since mornin'."

The baby will probably be named Johnstown Camp O'Connor. The refugees who are living along the road get their supplies from the camp. They pour into the wretched city of tents in a steady stream, bearing baskets and buckets of food. He Wanted Tobacco or Nothing. An old Irishman walked up to the tent early in the day. "Well, what can we do for you?" was asked. "Have yez any tobaccy?"