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"My dear sir, I have the greatest affection for yez. The moment I seen yez a qua'ar faaling come over me, and I filt I must come ashore and shake you by the hand. I faals much better." "You don't say?" "That I does. Would yez have the kindness to give me a wee bit of tobaccy?" The sleepy-looking stranger gazed drowsily at him a moment and then made answer: "I'm just smoking the last bit I've got.

"He's the very spit of his pa, that's so," replied Peterkin, "an' though it's no business of mine, I'm afeared he's got the old gentleman's dry throat along with it. Lord! Lord! I've always stood it out that it's better to water yo' mouth with tobaccy than to burn it up with sperits."

"No, tobacco don't go here." "I want tobaccy or nothin'. This is no relief to a mon at all, at all." The aged refugee walked away in high dudgeon. Just down the row from the clothing tent are located two little girls, named Johnson, who lost both father and mother.

"I put the last switch of tobaccy I had in the world into that pipe, just arter throwing myself outside of that quince of fish." "Quience?" laughed the boy, "you mean quintal." "Yis, and what's to come of Tim O'Rooney, if he doesn't git some more right spaddily.

Well, Jacob was the pious, churchgoin' sort that she liked but he would chaw in season an' out of it thar was some as said he chawed even when he was sleepin' an' a woman so out an' out with tobaccy you never set eyes on.

I assure you, sir, I'll give them a most inordinate castigation, for their want of respectability." "What's the Greek for tobaccy?" they continued "or for Larry O'Toole? or for bletherum skite? How many beans makes five? What's the Latin for poteen, and flummery? You a mathemathitician! could you measure a snail's horn? How does your hat stay up and nothing undher it?

What have you to say in it, you pittiogue?* Hould your whisht now, an' suck your dhudeen, I say; sure I allow you a quarther o' tobaccy a week, an' what right have you to be puttin' in your gosther when other people's spakin'?" * Untranslatable but means a womanly man a poor, effeminate creature. Farmer "Go an."

"Why, in my day, an' that was up to the very close of the war, you might stand at the big gate an' look in any direction you pleased till yo' eyes bulged fit to bust, but you couldn't look past the Blake land for all yo' tryin'. These same fields here we're passin' through I've seen set out in Blake tobaccy time an' agin, an' the farm I live on three miles beyond the Hall belonged to the old gentleman, God bless him! up to the day he died.

There's a smell of turf and burnin' brush comin' in the windy. I have me tobaccy. A good fine day and rist to ye, lad. Times I wish your mother had larned to read, so I might hear the rest about the hippopotamus but let that be." "Now, what is this foolishness he talks of hippopotamuses?" asked Danny of his mother, as he passed through the kitchen. "Have you been taking him to the Zoo?

"Now, if the owld gentleman would only dispose of his pipe and a ton or two of tobaccy to me, or make me a prisent of 'em, I'd lave and feel aisy." A few more brass buttons procured this also, and our friends had good cause to feel delighted over the result of the bargain.