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Updated: August 4, 2024

"The weather's going to have a big drop to-night," he said reflectively; "I smell it on the wind. Lord! Lord! I reckon I'd better begin on that thar tobaccy about sunup and yet another day or so of sun and September dew would sweeten it consider'ble. How about yours, Mr. Christopher?" "I'll cut my ripest plants to-morrow," answered Christopher, sniffing the air.

If ye want to work on and eat, do so, but the smoke of ye has all ascended. 'Tis my advice that ye hunt a new job." "I have no tobaccy to smoke in my pipe this day, Mr. Corrigan," said Burney, not quite understanding that such a thing could happen to him. "Earn it," said Corrigan, "and then buy it." Burney stayed on. He knew of no other job.

"I know where the tobaccy box is that he had about him; the same that transported my poor uncle, or that was partly the means of doin' it." The woman crossed herself, muttered a short ejaculatory prayer, and again gathered her whole features into an expression of mingled awe and curiosity. "Did you go to the place you dhramed of?" she asked.

"Did I forget anything, Kathleen?" he inquired. "Let me see; no; sure I have my beads an' my tobaccy box, an' my two clane shirts an' handkerchers in the bundle. What is it, acushla?" "I needn't be axin' you, for I know you wouldn't forget it; but for 'fraid you might Owen, whin you're at Tubber Derg, go to little Alley's grave, an' look at it; an' bring me back word how it appears.

We must rely upon these Indians to take the trail and follow it to the end." "They're like the hounds in the owld country, barring they go on two legs an' don't stick their noses in the ground, nor howl whin they git on trail. They're mighty handy to have around ye at such a time as this, if they be savages wid only a spark of Christianity in 'em not bigger than a tobaccy pipe."

"And I'd like to see a level sweep hardly a hill, just a clean stretch for the wind to blow over the tobacco." "You're from the tobaccy belt, then, ain't you? What are you here for?" "Killing a man. And you?" "Killin' two." He limped off at his feeble step, and Christopher rubbed his hands in the warm sunshine and wondered how it would feel to bask on one of the old logs by the roadside.

I've as purty a grain o' male here, as you'd wish to thicken wather wid, that I sthruv to get together, in hopes to be able to buy a quarther o' tobaccy, along wid a pair o' new bades an' scapular for myself. I'm suspicious that there's about a stone ov it, altogether. You can have it anunder the market price, for I'm frettin' at not havin' the scapular an me.

Thar ain't much sto' set by honesty in this here world, suh, an' you kin buy a bigger chaw of tobaccy with five cents than you kin with all the virtue of Moses on his Mount; but all the same it's a mighty good thing to rest yo' head on when you go to bed, an' I ain't sure but it makes easier lyin' than a linen pillow-slip an' a white goose tick "

"'Twere nothin' to that un." "An' where were that?" asked Dick. "I were out o' tea in March, an' handy to havin' no tobaccy, an' I says t' myself, 'Ed, ye can't stay in th' bush till th' break up wi' nary a bit o' tea, and ye'd die wi'out tobaccy. 'Twere fair goin' wi' good hard footin' an' I makes fine time.

He ought to have kept 'em in the bank, or in a strong box; but he was always like that. Hidin' his things away in curious places. He even did it with his tobaccy. A strange man! "But I'll wager the papers aren't far from the land. That would be his way to keep the papers near the land. 'A place for everything and everything in its place, he used to say.

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