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Two six-pane windows flanked the front door. The room was empty, except for the three men now entering. "You live here, Shorty?" asked Crawford curtly. "Yes." The answer was sulky and reluctant. "Alone?" "Yes." "Why?" snapped the cattleman. Shorty's defiant eyes met his. "My business." "Mine, too, I'll bet a dollar. If you're nestin' in these hills you cayn't have but one business." "Prove it!

A stream of glittering fish flew into the pen from a dory alongside. "Manuel, you take the tackle. I'll fix the tables. Harvey, clear Manuel's boat. Long Jack's nestin' on the top of her." Harvey looked up from his swabbing at the bottom of another dory just above his head. "Jest like the Injian puzzle-boxes, ain't they?" said Dan, as the one boat dropped into the other.

"Are they all rustlers up there in the settlement? are there no honest homesteaders among them who would combine with you against this wild man and his unlawful followers?" the colonel wanted to know. "Not a man amongst 'em that ain't cut the brand out of a hide," Chadron declared. "They've been nestin' up there under that man Macdonald for the last two years, and he's the brains of the pack.

And you'll be interested to know that there's a pair of white-tail eagles nestin' on one of the crags up the cañon. I got a good view of them from the opposite side." "I'm goin' ter have a look at those eagles," decided Rube. "I'll go to-morrow evenin' the same time as when you were there, an' when they're likely to be at home."

Fiercely he wrung the woodsman's hand, and, forgetful of all else but his new determination, moved toward the door. "Thanks for all you've done for me, old man, and all you've offered to do." "Frenchman' Hill is nice place for two nestin' doves fine place for sing an' be happy," the other reminded him. In a choking voice Pierce exclaimed: "You're a prince, Doret, and I won't forget! A prince!"

"Us used to wonder what it was like." He stopped and looked round at the lovely gray tangle about him, and his round eyes looked queerly happy. "Eh! the nests as'll be here come springtime," he said. "It'd be th' safest nestin' place in England. No one never comin' near an' tangles o' trees an' roses to build in. I wonder all th' birds on th' moor don't build here."

"Not an agreeable duty," he pursued, fixing me with dull eyes, "for me to speak; nor will it be, I fancy, for you to hear. But " This exceeded even my utmost fears. "I dare you, zur," said I, desperate for a way of escape, "t' dive from Nestin' Ledge this cold day!" He smiled but 'twas half a sad frown; for at once he puckered his forehead. "You're scared!" I taunted. He shook his head.

I've been noticin' how peaked you look, an' I thought mebbe I'd git the old musket loaded up an' go out an' shoot ye a pa'tridge. Tempt your appetite, mebbe, a mite o' the breast." "I dunno," said Tira, speaking with difficulty through her rigid misery, "as you'd ought to, so near nestin' time. I dunno's as it's the season to kill." "All seasons are the same to me," said Tenney.

Billy Dime looked down at the blood-soaked sleeve of his right arm. "The fella that did it is eatin' grass now," he muttered. "Now, what's the matter with Miguel? Discovered any bullets nestin' in your manly buzzum, Miguel?" "I think no. But I lose something," replied Miguel, smiling. "That so?" "I did have the tobacco and papers here," he said, and he put his hand on his chest.

"You'd sure shame a crazy sheep fer intellect." Then he added, with withering sarcasm, "Say, don't you never leave your mouth open more'n two seconds at a time, or you'll get the flies in it, an' they'll start nestin'." Then without pause he turned on Sunny and delivered his ultimatum. "Get busy," he ordered in a tone there was no denying.