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"Gie's a han' up wi't, Alec," he said. And in a moment more Curly was off to Widow Lapp with his bag of firing. "He's a fine chield that Willie o' yours, George," said Alec to the father. "He only wants to hae a thing weel pitten afore him, an' he jist acts upo' 't direckly. "It's weel he maks a cronie o' you, Alec. There's a heap o' mischeef in him. Whaur's he aff wi thae spells?"

Directly after Joseph came up with Hareton, to put him to bed. I had found shelter in Hareton's room, and the old man, on seeing me, said, 'They's rahm for boath ye un' yer pride, now, I sud think i' the hahse. It's empty; ye may hev' it all to yerseln, un' Him as allus maks a third, i' sich ill company!

Maggie says ye're gentle, but a shilling maks a' the difference that Maggie kens between a gentle and a semple, and your crowns wad mak ye a prince of the blood in her een. But I am ane that ken full weel that ye may wear good claithes, and have a saft hand, and yet that may come of idleness as weel as gentrice. I told him my name, with the same addition I had formerly given to Mr.

But they had hardly crossed the Red Brook to mount the peak beyond when Reuben drew up. 'Noa' he said restlessly 'noa. I mun goo back. T' gell's flighty and theer's aw maks o' mischief i' yoong things. He stood and held his nephew by the hand, looking at him long and wistfully. As he did so a calmer expression stole for an instant into the poor troubled eyes.

"A blithe heart maks a blooming look," says Mattha to the girl. Rotha's face deserves the compliment. To-day it looks as fresh as it is always beautiful. But there is something in it now that we have never before observed. The long dark lashes half hide and half reveal a tenderer light than has hitherto stolen into those deep brown eyes.

It maks my hert sair to ken 'at no guid will your hert get o' his. He s' no see ye the nicht, ony gait! Phemy uttered a childish howl, but immediately choked it with a proud sob. 'Ye're hurtin me, Kirsty! she said, after a minute or so of silence. 'Lat me doon, and I'll gang straucht hame to my father. I promise ye. 'I'll set ye doon, answered Kirsty, 'but ye maun come hame to my mither.

It'll be fifty poun' i' yer pooch, and a plenty o' rouch ploys that the like o' you young fallows likes, though I canna say I wad like sic things mysel'. Only I'm an auld wife, ye see, and that maks the differ." "Nae that auld, Mistress Leslie," said Cupples, "gin ye wadna lee."

'It was e'en judged sae, said Dinmont, 'and I think this maks it likely; for they aye ken where the gangs o' ilk ither are to be found, and they can gar news flee like a footba' through the country an they like.

It's an awfu' thing to say o' a mither's ain laddie; and to hae said it only to my ain man, and the father o' the laddie, maks my hert like to brak! it's as gien I had been fause to my ain flesh and blude but to think it o' 'im! Eh, Peter, what can it be?" "Ow jist maybe naething ava'! Maybe he's in love, and the lass winna hear til 'im!"

He goes in to th' cottages now an' then, an' though a fool could see he does na know his place, nor other people's, he's downreet open-handed. An' he maks foak laugh. He took a lot o' New York papers wi' big pictures in 'em to little Tummas Hibblethwaite. An' wot does tha think he did one rainy day?