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"I remember!" cried Kitson, "she told me she had brought away something very curious from van Heerden's house and made me guess what it was. Something interrupted our talk what was it?" "Well, sir," said the maid, resigned, "I won't tell you a lie, sir. It was a pawn ticket." "A pawn ticket!" cried Kitson and Beale in unison. "Are you sure?" asked the latter. "Absolutely sure, sir."

I just sat down and talked, and a more amiable and cultured gentleman it would be impossible to meet." Kitson looked at his companion through narrowed lids. "Why, that's not like you, Beale," he said. "I thought you were too hot on the scent to waste time." "So I am," said the other, thrusting his hands deep into his pockets, "that's just what I am." He turned suddenly to the older man. "Mr.

But I do know I have known it all the time, though Kitty wouldn't tell me and I think that you and Lettice Kitson are the two meanest, wickedest girls in all the world to let Kitty bear the blame all this time and never clear her. But after this " "Betty!" Aunt Pike's voice rose almost to a scream to get above the torrent of Betty's indignation. "How dare you speak to Anna so!

Of course, they must be taught reason. It was true that the men-at-arms, who were under the command of Sir Christopher Kitson and Sir William Trenton, were obliged to abide where they were, much as Kitson growled at being unable to procure a draught of wine for Trenton, whom he had been nursing for weeks under intermitting fever, caught at Meaux; but the young gentlemen were well pleased to show themselves under no Yorkshireman's orders, and galloped off en masse to procure refreshment for their horses and themselves, further stimulated by the report that the Armagnacs had left a sick man behind them there, who might be a valuable prisoner.

He looked at his watch and turned his eyes to Kitson. "I presume Miss Cresswell is bored and has retired for the night," he said. "I'll find out in a moment," said Kitson. "Did you speak to her?" Beale nodded, and his eyes twinkled. "Did you make any progress?" "I broke the sad news to her, if that's what you mean." "You told her she was married to you? Good heavens! What did she say?"

Kitson was looking at him with an expression of amazed indignation. Here was a man who had lost his wife, and Kitson believed that this young detective loved the girl as few women are loved; but in the passion of the chase, in the production of a new problem, he was absorbed to the exclusion of all other considerations in the greater game.

Of course I put down much to the lawless, careless way in which you grew up, but, at the same time, I must admit that, after that very unpleasant episode with Lettice Kitson, I have never felt really quite easy in allowing Anna to be much with you. I could not avoid feeling that you were having anything but a good influence over her, and but for your poor father's sake "

"Well," said the lawyer, "by the English law if you leave your wife and go away, and refuse to return to her she can apply to a judge of the High Court, who will order you to return within fourteen days." "I'd come back in fourteen seconds if she wanted me," said Beale fervently. "You're hopeless," said Kitson, "you asked how you could get a divorce. I presume you want one." "Of course I do.

"Why then it will be tough on you," said Kitson, "but tougher on her. Your business is to see that she doesn't love somebody else." "But how?" A look of infinite weariness passed across Kitson's face. He removed his glasses and put them carefully into their case.

None of the Trenire children liked Lady Kitson, though they could hardly have told you why. Poor Kitty felt now that she disliked her exceedingly. "Come into the drawing-room; the girls are there." "The girls" were Lady Kitson's step-daughters. They were both of them older than Kitty, but were inclined to be very friendly.