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Now and again a rustle of wind would send the colours from the trees to short branches loaded with leaves of red gold, shivering through the air; a chequered, blazing canopy covered the ground. Mary Kitson had, it appeared, very little to say. She sat some way from Sarah, clutching Adrian and Emily tightly to her breast, and always her large, startled eyes were on Sarah's face.

"I gathered as much when I saw you bring the gardener and the cook in to witness a document," said Dr. van Heerden. He tapped his teeth with the tip of his fingers a nervous trick of his. "I wish I had some strychnine," he said suddenly. "I ought to have some by me in case." "Can't you send a servant or I'll go," said Kitson. "Is it procurable in the village?" The doctor nodded.

I have every reason to believe that that murder was witnessed by this very man I am sending to Canada. He persists in denying that he saw anything, but later he may change his tune." A light dawned upon her. "Then Jackson is the man who was seen by Mr. Kitson in the plantation?" "Exactly," said the doctor. "But I don't understand," she said, perplexed. "Aren't the police searching for Jackson?"

"I know him, but I am afraid I don't know much that is good about him. Now, I'm going to tell you, Miss Cresswell" he leant across the table and spoke in a lower tone "something that I have never told to a human being. You raised the question of the Millinborn murder. My view is that Kitson, the lawyer, knew much more about that murder than any man in this world.

"But you must clear yourself, Kitty," he said gravely. "Lettice Kitson can clear me," she replied. "She knows, and of course she will tell Miss Richards when she hears that they are accusing me. You believe me; don't you, father?" she asked again, looking up at him pleadingly. "Certainly, Kitty," he said heartily, unable to withstand the appeal in her gray eyes.

To-day I am waiting for Miss Cresswell to recover from some devilish drug. I've made a failure of it, Mr. Kitson." "I'm afraid you have," said the other dryly; "what do you intend doing?" "But does it occur to you," asked Kitson slowly, "that this lady is not aware that she has married you and that we've got to break the news to her? That's the part I don't like."

The first is the commandeering of all the standing crops, and at the same time the taking over of all options on the sale of wheat. Great granaries are being established all over Germany. The old Zeppelin sheds " "Great heavens!" cried Kitson, and stared at Stanford Beale. "That was the reason they took over the sheds?"

"Carter, my assistant, says that he's certain van Heerden has not left London." "Has the girl spoken?" "Glaum? No, she's as dumb as an oyster. I doubt if you would get her to speak even if you put her through the third degree, and we don't allow that." "So I am told," said Beale dryly. There was a knock at the door. "Unlock it somebody," said Kitson. "I turned the key."

If there was one town in the country where this enthusiasm ran higher than in any other, it was Leeds. We had no reason, therefore, to fear the taunts of our opponents. We knew that we were being swept on an irresistible current to an assured victory. On the Saturday before the polling-day a great meeting was held in the Albert Hall, presided over by Kitson.

Before Mrs. Kitson's simple mind an awful picture was now revealed. Here, in this little girl, whom she had preferred as a companion for her beloved Mary, was a thief, a liar, and one, as she could instantly perceive, without shame. "You stole it!" "Yes; here it is." Sarah laid the ring on the table. Mrs. Kitson gazed at her with horror, dismay, and even fear. "Why? Why?