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"A fella's got to know how to handle 'em," he told the immediate vicinity. And because Pete knew something about "handlin' 'em," he did not at once go for the horse, but stood staring after the Mexican, who had paused to glance back. Pete waved his hand in a gesture which meant, "Keep goin'." The Mexican youth kept going.

"No quarrelling, please!" he commanded, and resumed, "As I was sayin', ladies and gentlemen or as I was about to say the handlin' of a small boat demands certain gifts or, er, qualities; and these gifts and, er, qualities bein' the gifts and h'm qualities what made England such as we see her to-day, a sea-farin' nation an' foremost at that, it follows that we cannot despise them if we wish her to occupy the same position in the futur' which to my mind is education in a nutshell."

She wondered where he had obtained the notion which still remained with him after all these years. Feeling the silence becoming irksome Rube moved uneasily. "Y' see it's kind o' del'cate. Don't need handlin' rough," he said. "Seems you'd best go on like this. Mebbe you ken jest pop it down rough-like an' fix it after. 'Which it's my painful dooty an' pleasure "

But breaking a big drove, or driving them to Marco that'd be a job I'd rather dodge. It'd take a month, even with a small herd." "Hardman an' Wiggate have several outfits working, mebbe fifty riders all told. They've been handlin' hosses. Reckon Wiggate would jump at buyin' up a thousand haid, all he could get. He's from St. Louis an' what he knows aboot wild hosses ain't a hell of a lot.

"Did you take notice of that critter I was a handlin' of, Squire? that one that's all drawed up in the middle like a devil's darnin' needle; her hair a standin' upon eend as if she was amazed at herself, and a look out of her eye, as if she thort the dogs would find the steak kinder tough, when they got her for dinner.

I can't see why so many makes sich a fuss 'bout handlin' mules." Shorty lighted his cob pipe and sat down on a stump to watch Si. "Kinder think there'll be a circus!" he said to himself. Si got up from his coffee and hardtack, and addressed himself to the business of the hour. It proved to be just as much as he could attend to.

'Twas so unlikely a morning, I never thought to hear of a swarm to-day. I'll start at once, and you go home quietly. You're sadly out of breath. Where is it?" "To the Red House Mr. Grimbal's. It may lead to the handlin' of his hives for all us can say, if you do the job vitty, as you 'm bound to." "John Grimbal's!" Hicks stood still as though this announcement had turned him into stone. "Ess fay!

So, sech bein' the case, I don't worry none about it beforehand, nor I don't worry none after it's all over with, neither. With me handlin' the details the whole thing is over an' done with accordin' to the law an' the statutes an' the jedgment of the high court in less time than some people would take fussin' round, gittin' ready.

You're not handlin' pay dirt, though it's about as expensive! Steady!" Yet it was wonderful to see the solicitude and care with which the dress was re-covered and folded in its linen wrapper. "Hold on," exclaimed Trigg, as the dummy was lifted into the chest, "we haven't tried on the other dress!" "Yes! yes!" repeated the others eagerly; "there's another!"

"Sure it was yourself that ruinated the thing," responded Molly, with spirit, for the unaccustomed word 'doshy' had kindled her quick Irish temper. "It's aisy handlin' the knob is used to, and faith it would 'a' stuck there for you a twelvemonth!" "They will be quarrelling soon," said Salemina nervously. "Do not wait another instant; you are late enough now, and I insist on your going.