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With faces aside, they remained some moments where they were, as if a spirit had passed between them. Mrs. Gorry came in to lay the supper, and then Kate recovered herself. She got back her power of laughter, and laughed at everything. He was not deceived. "She loves me still," said the voice of his heart. He hated himself for the thought, but it haunted him with a merciless persistence.

"This whole region is said to be a desert." "Be gorry, an' it 'll stay a desert till the ind o' the worrld afore I'll poppylate it. It wasn't made for Sweenys. I haven't seen sile enough in tin days to raise wan pataty. As for livin' on dried grizzly, I'd like betther for the grizzlies to live on me. Liftinant, I niver see sich harrd atin'. It tires the top av me head off to chew it."

"'Hadn't any use for it'!" blustered Larson from the doorway. "Jiminy! Now, ain't that jest like that boy?" But David hurried on with his explanation. "We never used to use them father and I except to buy things to eat and wear; and down here YOU give me those, you know." "Gorry!" interjected Perry Larson. "Do you reckon, boy, that Mr. Holly himself was give them things he gives ter you?"

"You find de way must go can't stay wid us." "Oh, gorry! don't leab me among de Injines; dey will eat me up alive!" replied the negro, bellowing like a bull. Canfield saw the glitter of the Huron's eyes, and taking Cato by the arm, said: "Let us hear no more of this, Cato, or you will arouse the anger of Oonomoo, and there is no telling what he may do."

"My gorry, son, I sure am tickled to see yuh light with both feet under yuh, like they say you done. I heard tell the Great Western's going to let yuh put on your own pitcher; I guess them Acme folks'll feel kinda foolish when they see it," declared the dried little man, grinning over his pipe.

I'd git the lawyers after 'em, an' I'd make 'em trouble. They wanta look out I'd spend ivvery cent I make on lawyers an' courts if they took and hung me fer a spy. I'd lawsue 'em!" Murphy laughed. "A-ah, would ye, now!" he cried admiringly. "My gorry, it takes a brain like yours t' think av things. Now, av they hung me, I'd be likes to let 'er sthand thot way.

There was a very bad bear in Wyoming known as "Old Three points" There was an Irishman crossing over his territory and while sitting on a rock he looked up and saw "Old Three Points" coming toward him evidently on his track for he was putting his noose to the ground seemingly in every track "The Irishman said" Oh! its tracks ye want then be gorry I'll make ye some" and he did. as many have done.

Since Mars' sold dat cussed Joe, gorry good times 't home. Dam' Abolitioner say we ums all goin' Norf," with a stealthy glance at Dorr. "That's more than your philanthropy bargains for, Charley," laughed Lamar. The men stopped; the negro skulked nearer, his whole senses sharpened into hearing. Dorr's clear face was clouded. "This slave question must be kept out of the war.

Drake held up a couple of rabbits and three wild fowl. "Oh! de gorry all dem! well, dis chile nebber sees de like; an you'se gwine ter gib dem ter Clump agin 'spects so, all you'se don't want. De ole niggers be rich dis winter."

In Apalachicola, Florida, they have erected a little monument to a former citizen, Dr. John Gorry. A statue of him will be found in the capitol at Tallahassee, and the state of Florida has put another in the Hall of Fame at Washington. Out of his brain came the idea that made it possible for the world to have ice to-day without regard to the temperature outside.