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Danny turned his back on Darn and the latter exclaimed: "What's that blue pants leg for, hangin' down from your coat tail?" "Why why that's the el'funt's tail," Danny replied reluctantly. "My gorry!" cried Darn, giving way to shrieks of laughter so that he had to sit down on the ground and double up with the paroxysms of mirth. "An el'funt's tail!

This letter could not be answered, for it bore no address. It came by the night-mail with the same day's steamer from England. Two hours later Mrs. Gorry ran in from an errand to the town saying "I believe in my heart I saw Mr. Philip Christian going by on the road." "When?" said Pete. "This minute," she answered. "Chut! woman," said Pete; "the man's in London.

She heard him open the garden gate, clash it back, come up the path with an eager step, shut the door of the house and chain it on the inside. Then she heard his deep voice speaking below. "Better now, Mrs. Gorry?" "Aw, better, sir, yes, and quiet enough this ten minutes." "Give her time, the bogh! Be aisy with the like, be aisy." Presently she heard him send off Mrs.

Then, as if afraid that his "owld woman" might overhear his confession, he bent toward Jim, and half whispered: "The women is all smarter nor the men, Jim; but ye mustn't let 'em know that ye think it. Ye've got to call 'em yer owld women, or ye can't keep 'em where ye want 'em. Be gorry! I wouldn't let me owld woman know what I think of 'er fur fifty dollars.

Then Danny picked up a board and, flanked by Chris, advanced to the fence, whereat Darn took to his heels, shouting, "Blue-eyed beauty! Ole Danny dumb-head!" as loud as he could. At the end of the alley he turned and shouted, "A pants' leg for an el'funt's tail! Oh, my gorry!" When he disappeared from sight, the three boys surveyed the elephant's skin lying on the ground.

My gorry, I've been thinkin' they're all av thim buke mines that ye have here," he bantered, peering into the professor's face, before he took the largest piece of rock and turned it over critically in his hands. In a minute he handed it back with a quizzical glance. "They's nawthin' there," he said softly.

But the old Wabash ain't runnin "wine and milk and honey" not by the jug-full. It seems to be compounded of aquil parts of mud, crude ile, and rain water. If 'twas only runnin' Melwood, be gorry, Chickie, you'd see a mermaid named Jimmy Malone sittin' on the Kingfisher Stump, combin' its auburn hair with a breeze, and scoopin' whiskey down its gullet with its tail fin.

It don't make any difference where he was born. If he's an American citizen and he helps Germany, then he's worse than a spy he's a traitor and he ought to get shot." "Be gorry, you said sumthin'!" "He's worse than anything else in the world," said Tom. "He's worse than than a murderer!" Pete slapped him on the shoulder. "Bully fer you!" said he.

"'Cause I ain't a goin' ter run, that's why," Tom had said. Strange to relate, Pete Connegan did not kill him. For a moment he stood staring at his ragged assailant and then he said, "Be gorry, ye got some nerve, annyhow." "If I done a thing I'd see it through, I would; I ain't scared," Tom had answered.

They had passed the barn with circus posters, and felt colder than ever when they caught sight of the weather-beaten acrobats in their tights. "My gorry!" exclaimed Widow Tobin, "them pore creatur's looks as cheerless as little birch-trees in snow-time. I hope they dresses 'em warmer this time o' year. Now, there! look at that one jumpin' through the little hoop, will ye?"