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"Sir, I feel much relieved; I'm a changed man widin these few minutes, I may say but what, afther all, is aquil to a good example? I feel, sir, as if a strong hatred of idolaphry was comin' an me." "Idolatry, you mean, Darby?" "Yes, sir, that's what I mean." "Where is that letter of Mr. M'Clutchy's oh, I have it.

"Yes, Honor," said the husband, in reply, "you're right, for I know that what you say is always thrue. It is, indeed," he added, addressing O'Brien, "she's aquil to a prayer-book." "Yes, and far superior to any," replied the latter; "for she not only gives you the advice, but sets you the example." "Ay, the sorra lie in it; an', oh, Honor, he's not to die he's not to be h , not to suffer.

"Our Captin-Commandin' here had a right to take him off of you for a throoper," said old O'Beirne, "and, faix, there wouldn't be his aquil in the len'th and breadth of the army. What 'ud you offer for him, lad? Look at the size of the head he has on him, and the onnathural white face of him that's fit to scare a rigimint before it, if there was nothin' else."

Begad, the men seein' this took to their heels for the present, wid an intention of comin' the next momin', wid the priest and the magisthrate, and a strong force to seize upon her, and have her tried and convicted, in ordher that she might be burned." "And did they come?" "They did; but of all the storms that ever fell from the heavens, none o' them could aquil the one that come on that night.

"Why couldn't you like him, now?" asked her father; "sure, as your mother says, there's not his aquil for face or figure within many a mile of him?" "But it's neither face nor figure that I look to most, father." "Well, but think of his wealth, and the style he'll live in, I'll go bail, when he gets married." "That style maybe won't make his wife happy.

Is my son aquil to the others, that came to pass your lordship?" asked Denis. "There is none of them properly qualified," said the Bishop. "If there be any superiority among them your son has it. He is not without natural talent, Mr. Finnerty; his translations are strong and fluent, but ridiculously pedantic. That, however, is perhaps less his fault than the fault of those who instructed him."

"Of course, then, you are aware that they have a son abroad." "I am, sir, and a fine young man they say he is. Nothing vexes them so much as that he won't come to see them. He's never off their tongue; and if he's aquil to what they say of him, upon my credit the sun needn't take the trouble of shinin' on him." "Have they any expectation of a visit from him, do you know'?"

But there's more to come: sure Jemmy has friends aquil to the Colonel himself: an' sure he's at a Catholic boordin'-school, among gintlemen's childhre, an' in a short time he'll be a priest in full ordhers." We here draw a veil over the delight of the family.

I say once for all that I won't dance any more to-night." "What is it," asked the mother, on perceiving her hesitation; "won't she dance wid you? Hut, tut, Kathleen, what nonsense is this? To be sure you must dance wid Mr. Burke; don't take any refusal, Mr. Burke is that all you know about girls. sure nineteen refusals is aquil to one consent.

Tom M'Mahon's simple word was never doubted, and would pass aquil to many a man's oath; and it is the same thing wid the whole family, man and women. They are proverbial, sir, for truth and integrity, and a most spontaneous effusion of candor under all circumstances. You will pardon me then, Mr. Hycy, if I avow a trifle of heresy in this matter.