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There was nothing on board the Maria that could cope with the enemy's guns. There was only the inevitable to be faced. The cadet soon guessed the nature of the pursuer from the way she behaved. Her guns were all low down and close together. They were about three-pounders, and rapid-firing. "It's a gunboat like the Uncas," he muttered. "Gorry! how I wish the Uncas would come back!"

"It it it never!" said Tab Winslow, at the third. "Make it again make it again!" cried little Emily, and they did. "Gorry," observed Pep, in ecstasy. When it would give no more, they divided with the other children and ran on, their red mittens and mufflers flaming in the snow. Mary stood staring after them for a moment, then she closed her door. "I wonder what made me do that," she thought.

"You see, I just went out for a walk and I got lost. I've been ever and ever so far, but I can't find the house at all; and it's supper I mean dinner time and getting dark. I want to get back. I MUST get back." "Gee! Well, I should worry!" sympathized the boy. "Yes, and I'm afraid Mrs. Carew'll worry, too," sighed Pollyanna. "Gorry! if you ain't the limit," chuckled the youth, unexpectedly.

I'd be willin' to chip in and help buy one; and, by gorry, we could make some movin' pitchers of our own and sell 'em, if we caji't do no better." He craned his neck and peered the length of the table at Luck. "Ain't no law ag'in it, is there?" he challenged. "No, there's no law against it." Luck closed his lips against further comment.

"But why, Barney," I asked, to confuse him, "when a thing like this happened, didn't you write and tell me?" Barney chuckled as only one of his species can chuckle. "Wroite an' tell ye?" he cried. "Be gorry, sorr, if I could wroite at all at all, ut's not you oi'd be wroitin' that tale to, but to the edithor of the paper that you wroite for.

He took a grape from a bunch beside him, rubbed the soot off on his trousers, and ate it; then blinked wryly. "Gorry, that's sour." "You don't like my engagement!" Elizabeth declared slowly. Reproachful tears stood in her eyes; she fastened her dress with indignant fingers. "I think you are perfectly horrid not to be sympathetic. It's very important to a girl to get engaged and have a ring."

"They'll be raging mad when they do," he thought. "Gorry! they'll murder every one of us." For they would probably call the shooting of that officer a murder; it did not trouble Clif's conscience, for he knew that a merchant vessel has the same right to resist the enemy that a warship has. It was not as if they had surrendered and then imitated the example of the treacherous Ignacio.

"Good Lord" said he, "a man that has to work as I do, if he does not forget the ideas he has had, he will do well. May be the man you hoe with is inclined to race; then, by gorry, your mind must be there; you think of weeds." He would sometimes ask me first on such occasions, if I had made any improvement.

But they picked their way expeditiously through the woods, and reached the beach without further incident. They were near the clump of trees which they recognized as that behind which they had hidden the boat when Clif stopped with a sudden exclamation. "Gorry!" he said, "I have forgotten that shell. It won't take but a minute to return for it." "What's the use, sir?" ventured one of the men.

When the frame was at last complete, the weary men retired to a convenient distance to look it over; and then they emphasized their approval of the structure by three rousing cheers. "Be gorry, Jim, ye must make us a spache," said Mike Conlin. "Ye've plenty iv blarney; now out wid it." But Jim was sober. He was awed by the magnitude of his enterprise. There was the building in open outline.