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The stranger turned inquiringly. "His name's 'George, all right," continued Seth, with another chuckle, "but I never heard of his professin' anythin' 'nless 't was laziness." The stranger's face showed a puzzled frown. "Oh but I mean the man who discovered that ants and " "Good gorry!" interrupted Seth, with a groan. "If it's anythin' about bugs an' snakes, he's yer man!

She'll make this country sit up some day-by gorry, she'll make Manitou and Lebanon sit up to-day if she runs the Carillon Rapids safe!" "She's runnin' 'em all right, son. She's by jee, well done, Miss Druse! Well done, I say well done!" exclaimed Jowett, dancing about and waving his arms towards the adventurous girl.

"Hm-m," said the doctor, slowly, his eyes averted. "Well, we'll make an examination. Come in here, please," he added, leading the way to an inner room. "Gorry!" ejaculated Jason some minutes later, when he was once more back in his chair, "I should think you might know what ails me now after all that thumpin' an' poundin' an' listenin'!" "I do," said the doctor.

I won't suspect every man, woman, and child that says a civil word to me now of having designs on my pocketbook. Why, Mr. Smith, you wouldn't believe it, if I told you, the things that's been done and said to get a little money out of me. But I WAS flabbergasted when a WOMAN tackled the job and began to make love to me actually make love to me! one day when Jane's back was turned. Gorry!

It was six o'clock before he reached Mike's house, the outermost post of the "settlement," which embraced in its definition the presence of women and children. "Be gorry," said Mike, who had long been looking for him, "I was afeared ye'd gi'en it up. The old horse is ready this two hours.

So we mane to squall till they think in Douglas we've got spavined wind or population of the heart, or something. The men are looking to you, Phil. 'That's the boy for us, says they. 'He's stood our friend before, and he'll do it again, they're saying." Philip promised to draw up the petition, and then Mrs. Gorry came in and laid the cloth.

Nivir within half a mile uv Schmitt did they go, but by gorry, he gits wind uv it 'n' th' nixt mornin' not so much as a sign uv him wuz thar left. "Cleared out, loike that," said Pete, clapping his hands and spreading his arms by way of illustrating how Adolf Schmitt had vanished in air.

Gosh, Sally, I guess I be my own man tidday, ef I hev got a bad tas in my mouth. Gorry, it's lucky I thort afore I wet my hed. I couldn't a gone tew sleep agin," and Meshech turned toward the bed, with apparent intention of resuming his slumbers. But Mrs.

Well, if it's mine, it's yours. Not had dinner, have you? Neither have I. Any cold mate left, Kitty? No? Fry us a chop, then, darling." Kate had recovered herself by this time, and she went out on this errand. While she was away, Pete rattled on like a mill-race asked about the travels, laughed about the girls, and roared about Mrs. Gorry and her ghost of Philip.

Remember this, my boy, in your violin lie all the things you long for. You have only to play, and the broad skies of your mountain home will be over you, and the dear friends and comrades of your mountain forests will be about you. "Gorry! that's worse than the other," groaned Higgins, when he had finished the note. "There's actually nothing in it!