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"So say we all," remarked Frank; "for it will chase the blues away many a time, just to see the look on Uncle Toby's face, as he clung to that friendly limb." "Gorry, but I was mighty glad tuh git my claws on dat limb, Marse Frank. Wen I seed dem big yaller eyes a-starin' at me, an' heerd dat yowlin' noise, my knees dey jest wobbled together.

"Say!" ejaculated Tom, impatiently, "haven't you seen any tramp, or straggler, or Gypsy or anybody like that?" "Hi gorry!" suddenly said Ben, "I do remember. There was a man along here this morning a preacher, or something like that. Had a black frock coat on and wore his hair long and sort o' wavy. He was shabby enough to be a tramp, that's a fact.

They were sitting at breakfast in the hall-parlour, and she said, "I should like to be my own housekeeper, Pete." "And right, too," said Pete. "Be your own woman, darling not your woman's woman and have Mrs. Gorry for your housemaid." To turn her mind from evil thoughts, she set to work immediately, and busied herself with little duties, little economies, little cares, little troubles.

It was gray, I remember the supposed color of failure in our school and I stood with the grin still half frozen on my face while Pa spelt out the dingy record of poor Daniel's year. And then, 'Oh, gorry! says Pa. 'Run away and g'long to bed. I've got to think.

"I set ter work first thing on this road," said the man triumphantly to Ella as he stood, shovel in hand, at the door. "The parson's right behind, an' there's a lot more behind him. Gorry! I was afraid I wouldn't git here in time, but the fun'ral wan't till two, was it?" Ella's dry lips refused to move. She shook her head. "There's a mistake," she said faintly. "There ain't no fun'ral.

It was the same fugitive black who had visited their camp on the preceding night. He stared hard at the face of the one he was holding down. "Gorry! Am it you, young marse?" he exclaimed, as he released his savage clutch, and even attempted to help Will up. "Yes. I'm lost, you see. Tried to do too much. Taking pictures in the swamp, and kind of got a little mixed.

"Be gorry, thar's a lot uv German Amiricans, 'n' I wouldn' trust 'em," said Pete. "Well, there's some Irish people here that hate England, so they're against the United States too," said Tom. "Ye call me a thraiter, do ye!" roared Pete. "I didn't call you anything," Tom said, laughing and dodging the Irishman's uplifted hand; "but I say a person is American or else he isn't.

I'd see if I couldn't find out what there was in a picture to make folks stand and stare at it an hour at a time when you could see the whole thing in a minute and it wa'n't worth lookin' at, anyway, even for a minute. And music, too. Now, I like a good tune what is a tune; but them caterwaulings and dirges that that chap Gray plays on that fiddle of his gorry, Mr.

"I was working on the dam at Union Falls yesterday," chuckled Abijah, with a pleased glance at each of the trio in turn, "an' I seen this little bunnit skippin' over the water jest as Becky does over the road. It's shaped kind o' like a boat, an' gorry, ef it wa'nt sailin' jest like a boat! Where hev I seen that kind of a bristlin' plume? thinks I."

He turned his head slowly and looked cautiously around after the door was closed. He heard Madelon's quick tread up the stairs. "Gorry!" muttered old Luke under his breath, and scowled reflectively over his foxy eyes.