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But she ain't goin' to be no Duchess as they sez, it's my 'pinion plain Missis is good 'nough for the Squire's gel, if so be a lovin' an' true Mister was to ax 'er and say 'Will 'ee be my purty little wife, an' warm my cold 'art all the days o' my life? an' there'd be no wantin' dukes nor lords round when there's real love drivin' a man an' woman into each other's arms!

Now, Mis' Deane, magpies is total strangers on these coasts no one as I've ever 'eard tell on 'as ever seen one an' they's the unlikeliest and unluckiest birds to come across as ever the good God created. An' of course I knows if my boy marries that gel in Cornwall, it'll be the worst chance and change for 'im that 'e's 'ad ever since 'e was born! That magpie comed 'ere to warn me of it!"

Josey heard all this nonsense babble with delighted interest, and surveyed the tops of his decorated boots with much admiration. "Ain't she a little caution!" he said "She do mind me somehow of th' owld Squire's gel! Ay, she do! Miss Maryllia was just as peart and dauntsome when she was her age. Did I ever tell ye, Passon, 'bout Miss Maryllia's legs an' the wopses' nest?" John started violently.

"Will you please tell me your business, Mrs. Cassley? I am a very hungry man." "Well, it's like this, sir," said Mrs. Cassley, dropping her erudition, and coming down to bedrock homeliness; "I've got a young lady stopping with me, as respectable a gel as I've had to deal with.

An' he took the little gel as was left with 'im the night o' the great storm nigh eighteen years ago that blew down three of our biggest elms in the church-yard " "Did you know?" exclaimed Clifford, eagerly "Did you see ?" "I saw a man on 'orseback ride up to Briar Farm, 'oldin' a baby in front o' him with one hand, and the reins in t'other an' he came out from the farm without the baby.

"No, no, gel; let me get off Jim Targent will get my berth unless I look sharp. Let me be, Bet your mother can sleep her fill this morning," "Come and look at her, father; come you must." She took his hand she was very strong stronger than him at that moment, for his legs were not steady, and even now he was scarcely sober.

Walden, if it isn't a real blessin' that you happened to look in this mornin'!" she exclaimed "For now there won't be no delay, not but what I knew a bit o' French as a gel, an' I'd 'ave made my way to spell it out somehow, no matter how slow, but there! you're that handy that 'twon't take no time, an' Miss Vancourt will be sure of her message 'avin' gone straight off from here correct, an' if they makes mistakes at Riversford, 'twon't be my fault!"

He could see it now, moving in circles back and forth across the gorge, probably ready to dive on any prey venturing into the open. Had it not been for the stranger, Dalgard could have taken to the water almost as quickly and easily as his companions. But they could not float the pilot down the stream, thus dissolving the thick coating of gel which was healing his terrible flash burns.

Now here stood the "gel," the mysterious secret goal of desire, a splendid creature, virginal, savage, as certainly designed for man as Eve. The men's eyes fastened upon her, moved and dropped. "Your father sent you down here fer a job?" asked Mrs. Upper incredulously. "No. I come." Joan's grave gaze was unchanging. "I'm tired of it up there. I ain't a-goin' back.

The expression of brutality and degradation disappeared, and through the bleared eyes and over the coarsened features there came the light of an almost celestial smile. After a while the woman spoke to me. She spoke in a husky voice which seemed to be compounded of the effects of rum and raw night air. "That your'n," she said. I answered her. "Boy or gel?" I told her. "'Ow old?"